I opened $WOLF 20250110 6.5 PUT$ ,Selling new cash secured puts on Wolf at decently attractive pricing. Wolf had came down a great deal in the past few weeks and the premium to risk is acceptable for me to start trade.
I closed $WOLF 20241213 13.5 CALL$ ,WOLF: collected premiums in full for these covered calls when it expired worthless on Fri 13th Dec. Will sell fresh ones to replace these expires trades. WOLF's rise last week fizzled out and settled back to lower levels on continue poor execution of strategic plans. CEO will step down but fate of business remained uncertain.
I closed 30.0 unit(s) $WOLF DIAGONAL 241227/241213 PUT 8.0/PUT 8.5$ ,Rolled WOLF further by 2 weeks as the price is too close to strike in the last day of contract. Also took the chance to lower the strike from $8.5 to $8 for better chance of expiring worthless during the next run.
I opened 30 lot(s) $WOLF 20241213 8.5 PUT$ ,Wolf had a 7% fall on thurs to close at $9.30. managed to sold these puts when it was slightly higher so they were in the red for now. Believe $8.50 is a good short term support and price might rebound from here. Hope to collect premiums when it expires. Didn't observe much news that warrants the current drop or maybe I just missed some info.
I closed 29 lot(s) $WOLF 20241129 7.0 PUT$ ,Ideal trading week outcome. All 6 trades with 29/Nov expiry had expired worthless and I've collected all the intended premiums in full. Looking forward to reinitiate new and yet similar trades come Monday.
I opened 29 lot(s) $WOLF 20241129 7.0 PUT$ ,spotted bullish signs in Wolf of late and decided to sell some puts to bet on the upside. News of the CEO being fired/resigned, closure of non profitable site and recent directors open market purchases might indicate The worse is over for now and the company is turning on a new page. Whether the new CEO will be able to flip the narrative or more of the same remaines to be same. In the meanwhile, I'll capitalize the momentum until next week. Already up 70% just 1 day after trading for the contracts.
I closed $WOLF 20241108 13.5 CALL$ ,WOLF: collected premium in full when the covered calls expired worthless on 8th Nov. WOLF dropped 40% on earnings 6th Nov before recover slightly. Its significantly down on higher expenses and revenue miss.