I think Tesla probably is still the best positioned EV car maker:
1) Own's the highest number of cars equipped with autonomous driving software. So it's safe to say it has the best data pool to improve in this aspect.
2) It has a very good track record to bring new production capacity online. This is critical to win market share.
3) The battery is a key component and its quality control is important. Case in point the shutdown of GM's EV production due to massive battery recall due to poor quality by battery supplier.
4) It's built for EV cars so the other old timers are struggling with cost structures with EV productions. That's probably why Toyota is slow to bring its EVs to the market. They want to see battery cost down before releasing.
5) New EV companies will have manufacturing issues with volume production. It's a capital intensive business and has high entry barrier.
Own TSLA only for EV stocks.$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$




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