$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$the editors n publishers are paid to write the same old nonsense story over n over again to make the retail investors panic. The hedgies will take advantage with short squeeze n scoop the shares on those weak hands who worried to cut loss n give up the shares at lower price.
Hold tight with your position. We shall see tiger blast off when we all have faith n confidence with the Tiger. The fundamental, and the YOY growth of the company is strong.[微笑] [微笑] [微笑] [微笑] [微笑] [微笑] [微笑] [微笑] [微笑] [微笑]
- 逆势加仓冲冲·2021-11-08有时候阵痛就是这么猝不及防,谁也想不到,这时候就只能各安天命了1举报