Simple Selling Puts Strategy on growth stock 😉
What I do for weekly and monthly to generate extra income. I hope to share so that my tiger friends can make money. Even when stocks are up 📈 or down 📉 I practise this strategy for side income. In doing this strategy please make sure you have the money ready to buy the 100 shares when your options are exercised. I use this strategy on Tesla as I don’t mind buying more at lower price.For weekly I will sell a put option out of the money and for monthly at the money strike price. Whichever month when the option position is not in your favor you could either buy the 100 shares or roll over your position. Let’s say when you have toomany Tesla shares you could always sell a covered call to earn extra income when you don’t have anymore money to sell a naked put contract. If you understand what I’m saying you will know it’s awin-win situation. This strategy is only applicablefor companies shares you want to buy. Also, do look for growth stocks in this strategy as it gives you the most IV so is the premium.
Invest safe and be happy 😊
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