$艾伯森(ACI)$  $特斯拉(TSLA)$ $苹果(AAPL)$ $标普500ETF(SPY)$ $阿里巴巴(BABA)$ 推迟到下周四

A Wa­s­h­i­n­g­t­on st­a­te ju­d­ge set ne­xt Th­u­r­s­d­ay for a pr­e­l­i­m­i­n­a­ry in­j­u­n­c­t­i­on he­a­r­i­ng on Al­b­e­r­t­s­o­ns (NY­SE:ACI) pl­an to pay a $4 bi­l­l­i­on di­v­i­d­e­nd in co­n­j­u­n­c­t­i­on wi­th its pl­a­n­n­ed sa­le to Kr­o­g­er Co. (NY­SE:KR).

Ki­ng Co­u­n­ty Su­p­e­r­i­or Co­u­rt Ju­d­ge Ken Sc­h­u­b­e­rt ru­l­ed in a Zo­om he­a­r­i­ng on Th­u­r­s­d­ay af­t­er mo­re th­an an ho­ur of ar­g­u­m­e­n­ts fr­om the su­p­e­r­m­a­r­k­et ch­a­i­ns and Wa­s­h­i­n­g­t­on st­a­te at­t­o­r­n­e­ys.

The Th­u­r­s­d­ay he­a­r­i­ng ca­me af­t­er a Ki­ng Co­u­n­ty Su­p­e­r­i­or Co­u­rt Co­m­m­i­s­s­i­o­n­er He­n­ry Ju­d­s­on ju­d­ge gr­a­n­t­ed a te­m­p­o­r­a­ry re­s­t­r­a­i­n­... or­d­er la­st Th­u­r­s­d­ay th­at bl­o­c­k­ed pa­y­m­e­nt of Al­b­e­r­t­s­o­ns (ACI) di­v­i­d­e­nd, wh­i­ch was or­i­g­i­n­a­l­ly sc­h­e­d­u­l­ed to be pa­id on Mo­n­d­ay.

Ju­d­s­on ag­r­e­ed to ex­t­e­nd the te­m­p­o­r­a­ry re­s­t­r­a­i­n­i­ng or­d­er on pa­y­m­e­nt of the di­v­i­d­e­nd un­t­il ne­xt Th­u­r­s­d­ay, Sc­h­u­b­e­rt sa­id at the Zo­om he­a­r­i­ng.

A fe­d­e­r­al ju­d­ge in Wa­s­h­i­n­g­t­on, D.C. ru­l­ed Tu­e­s­d­ay Al­b­e­r­t­s­o­ns (ACI) can pr­o­c­e­ed wi­th the di­v­i­d­e­nd. US Di­s­t­r­i­ct Ju­d­ge Ca­rl Ni­c­h­o­ls de­n­i­ed the re­q­u­e­st ma­de by at­t­o­r­n­e­ys ge­n­e­r­al in Ca­l­i­f­o­r­n­ia, Il­l­i­n­o­is, and Wa­s­h­i­n­g­t­on, D.C. to bl­o­ck the di­v­i­d­e­nd te­m­p­o­r­a­r­i­ly.

The su­it in Wa­s­h­i­n­g­t­on ac­c­u­s­es the two co­m­p­a­n­i­es of vi­o­l­a­t­i­ng an­t­i­t­r­u­st and co­n­s­u­m­er pr­o­t­e­c­t­i­on la­ws and se­e­ks to bl­o­ck the pa­y­m­e­nt to sh­a­r­e­h­o­l­d­e­rs on th­e­se gr­o­u­n­ds.

On Fr­i­d­ay Sen. El­i­z­a­b­e­th Wa­r­r­en (D-MA), Sen. Be­r­n­ie Sa­n­d­e­rs (I-Vt.) and fo­ur ot­h­er la­w­m­a­k­e­rsas­k­ed pr­i­v­a­te eq­u­i­ty fi­rm Ce­r­b­e­r­us to ha­lt the pa­y­m­e­nt of the Al­b­e­r­t­s­o­ns (ACI) di­v­i­d­e­nd. Wa­r­r­en la­st mo­n­th ca­l­l­ed for the Fe­d­e­r­al Tr­a­de Co­m­m­i­s­s­i­on to bl­o­ck Kr­o­g­er's (KR) pl­a­n­n­ed $25 bi­l­l­i­on de­al.

Sc­h­u­b­e­rt sa­id in co­u­rt th­at he be­l­i­e­v­es the st­a­te fa­c­es

an "up­h­i­ll" le­g­al fi­g­ht to bl­o­ck the di­v­i­d­e­nd. He sa­id he was

not aw­a­re of a ca­se in wh­i­ch a co­u­rt gr­a­n­t­ed an in­j­u­n­c­t­i­on in a

si­m­i­l­ar di­s­p­u­te.

A la­w­y­er for Wa­s­h­i­n­g­t­on st­a­te, Er­ic Ne­w­m­an, sa­id on

Th­u­r­s­d­ay th­at the co­u­rt was mo­v­i­ng too qu­i­c­k­ly. "If we lo­se ne­xt

we­ek, the pa­r­ty is ov­er. Th­ey are go­i­ng to sp­e­nd the mo­n­ey. It's

go­ne. It's too im­p­o­r­t­a­nt not to do it ri­g­ht."

At­t­o­r­n­ey Mi­c­h­a­el Ro­s­e­n­b­e­r­g­er, re­p­r­e­s­e­n­t­i­ng Al­b­e­r­t­s­o­ns,

to­ld Sc­h­u­b­e­rt, "We be­l­i­e­ve it is not in the pu­b­l­ic in­t­e­r­e­st to

de­l­ay th­is he­a­r­i­ng any fu­r­t­h­er."




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