Whitney Tilson is mad!! (他抓狂啦!!)
Did anyone noticed? He actually called Gamestop as GameStink!!!
Did he being emotional after his prediction in 26 Feb 2021 went the other way instead???
Will he call GME as GameStop at $28 and GameSweet at $8 instead?
Do you really want to trust your money with him in his current mental state?
Let's see what he is predicting this time round:
From yesterday (Thursday) close of $260.00:
- Down 30% in 1 week ($182.00 max, by 18 Mar 2021 close)
- Down 50% in a month ($130.00 max, by 9 Apr 2021 close)
- Down 80% in 6 months ($52.00 max, by 10 Sep 2021 close)
Why not I make a prediction that GME will:
- Up 30% in a week ($338.00 minimum, by 18 Mar 2021 close)
- Up 50% in a month ($390.00 minimum, by9 Apr 2021 close)
- Up 80% in 6 months ($468.00 minimum, by 10 Sep 2021 close)
有人是否注意到了(看截图),他居然叫 GameStop 为 GameStink(游戏臭站)!!
这是不是续他之前在 2021 年 2 月 26 日所做出的预期出现截然不同的结果而抓狂的??
他是否意味着会在 GME 报价 $28 的时候好好叫 GameStop,并且在 $8 的时候赞美为 GameSweet(游戏甜站)
你真的要将你的钱信任并交给 Whitney Tilson 当前的精神状态?
在昨天(周四)闭市价 $260.00 为准:
- 一周内跌 30%(2021 年 3 月 18 日闭市价将不超过 $182.00)
- 一个月内跌 50%(2021 年 4 月 9 日闭市价将不超过 $130.00)
- 6 个月内跌 80%(2021 年 9 月 10 日闭市价将不超过 $52.00)
- 一周内涨 30%(2021 年 3 月 18 日闭市价至少 $338.00)
- 一个月内涨 50%(2021 年 4 月 9 日闭市价至少 $390.00)
- 6 个月内涨 80%(2021 年 9 月 10 日闭市价至少 $468.00)
- 全息元宇宙·2021-03-15那就让他去卖房子做空好了,做空的越多越好1举报
- 十萬皮卡丘·2021-03-15他可能虧了不少1举报
- 圣地麦加·2021-06-10我顶!点赞举报
- 铁憨憨一浪客韭拌仙·2021-03-16没看懂点赞举报