
We're having a massive moment with Tesla's FSD progress right now, yet so few people have any idea that it's even happening.

• FSD 12 was a huge step change forward

• 1.8 million Teslas got a free 30 day FSD trial

• Tesla's fleet is now doing 1 billion FSD miles every 2-3 months (vs 1 billion every 3 years)

• FSD (Supervised) v12.4 will get rid of the steering wheel nag (coming in 1-2 weeks)

• Tesla is finally no longer compute constrained, allowing them to improve FSD MUCH quicker. The company's compute capacity will increase at least 6x this year.

• Preliminary approval to launch FSD (Supervised) in China.

• Swedish Transport Administration Advisor praises Tesla's FSD "smoothness and natural driving" after being given a test ride on German roads 2 weeks ago.

Buckle up. These are exciting times.

目前,特斯拉的 FSD 进展正处于关键时刻,但很少有人知道它正在发生。

• FSD 12 是一个巨大的进步

• 180 万辆特斯拉获得 30 天 FSD 免费试用

• 特斯拉车队现在每 2-3 个月行驶 10 亿英里 FSD(而每 3 年行驶 10 亿英里)

• FSD(监督)v12.4 将消除方向盘烦恼(1-2 周内推出)

• 特斯拉终于不再受计算限制,这使得他们能够更快地改进 FSD。该公司的计算能力今年将至少增加 6 倍。

• 初步批准在中国推出FSD(监督)。

• 瑞典交通管理局顾问在两周前在德国道路上试驾特斯拉 FSD 后,对其“平稳、自然的驾驶”表示称赞。





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