$CHINA SCE GROUP(01966)$With the impending spin-off and listing of the highly profitable CM business, there is a great opportunity to profit from this spin-off. There is 1 reserved CM share for every 33 China SCE shares but I would not buy into China SCE now to enjoy the entitlement or to apply for IPO allocation of CM shares. My recommendation is to let the CM shares to be floated and traded for a few weeks and then buy in when there is a sharp correction. Valuation of PM or CM at IPO is way too high right now. Be patient and wait.
- 从容的心·2021-06-17我有点不太明白。您的意思是暂时关注CM,但是不进行交易。等它上市后估值回调时买入?我一直持有SCE,所以比较关注。谢谢!点赞举报