AMC: Can you imagine the reaction everyday folks are going to have during MOASS towards the shills?
Hot tub time machine…. Can you just imagine the reaction everyday folks are going to have during MOASS towards the shills? - the three chinned charlatan who said AMC was only worth a penny? - Jim Cramer who pushed so many failing shiny objects to distract his fans? - the hundreds of FUD articles from paid media shills that will be shoved in their faces? - the whining politicians that complain about our success while trying to tax away all of our gains? - all of the brokers and institutions that told their clients to STAY AWAY? - your grumpy Uncle who told you that money just doesn’t grow on trees? - that hot girl who was only interested in how much money you made in a real job? - and everybody who laughed at you for holding AMC! HOLDING $AMC Entertainment