Since Singapore moved to a service-focused nation after the millennium, STI has shifted itself from the 1K-2K zone to the 2k-3K zone. Many investors got confused between “Passive” and “Value” investing. If they adopt a “Passive” investing style, they will end up feeling frustrated. However, if we recognized that every market is unique to its own, recognizing STI is currently trading in a 2K-3K zone, and likely it will remain in this way, we will see opportunity in each cycle low. We are into the 4th cycle after Wall Street meltdown in 2008: 1st cycle = +114% 2nd cycle = +41% 3rd cycle = +44% 4th cycle = +48% Index is a benchmark, it helps us to derive a better sentiment on the ground, doing our stock pick only when the time is right and vice versa for profit-takings. Many individ
Hello, dear Tigers! Happy Halloween! 🎃🎃🎃 Tap here to play the Halloween game, and you stand a chance to win various rewards! Promotion Period: October 27, 2021 18:00 - November 9, 2021 18:00 (SGT) 1. How to Participate? All Tiger clients may collect points which can be used to redeem rewards by taking part in the Trade or Treating Game. All existing Tiger clients will have 2 game attempts. Clients can get more game attempts by completing different tasks, such as 'Invite a friend' or 'Share Halloween Game'. 2. How to collect points? Each player has 30 seconds to catch falling candies while av
首先上图,无图无真相~然后再详细说说我是怎么做到一天赚7.5万美金≈50万RMB的。$Digital World Acquisition Corp(DWAC)$ $Digital World Acquisition Corp.(DWACU)$ 持有过夜持有过夜做T做T首先还是感谢@BillionaireQ ,上周五的帖子想必大家也看到了,很多人犹豫要不要买DWAC或者DWACU,睡觉前我也在不停犹豫,到底要不要买,也有很多人看到老虎推送的新闻,很多人买了又卖了,然后就睡了。甚至还有20多开始做空的。犹犹豫豫已经半夜12点半了,没有勇气买,只是一直盯着。。脑子里一直浮现那些爆赚的大V,包括前不久眼睁睁的看着BillionaireQ在CEI爆赚2万5000美元。心里有些烦,打算1点就睡觉,直到我看到了他发的帖子,像其他站内的虎友一样,坚定了买DWAC的信心。我想,买或者卖一支票只需要在屏幕前点几下,除了呼吸,世界上真的没有比这更简单的事情了。但是,买卖必须需要一个极为合理的理由。而这个理由,往往只有比我们站的高一点的人才能给出来,而且令人信服。。。下面就是我看到的话,对我来说,仿佛幸运之shen给了我一道微弱的光。。。空间站内原贴,留言美女不是我,我是个汉子其他人的留言后面的时间,我选择重仓但不全仓,也交流了几句,心里有底后,决定做T操作,然后看情况跟单长持。(做T操作效果还可以,见我上面的交
Preparing for the 2021-2022 Flu SeasonExperts say the 2021-2022 Flu and Respiratory season will be unpredictable. AMI Partners with LifeSign To Provide the Status COVID-19/Flu A&B Test for Upcoming Response SeasonUnder the LifeSign distributor list, $Chembio Diagnostics(CEMI)$currently one of the distributors for the Status ™ COVID-19/FLU ProductThe only FDA EUA visual read rapid test for Simultaneous detection and differential diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2, Influenza Type A & Influenza Type B Antigen in nasopharyngeal swab specimens.Performance CharactersCOVID-19: Sensitivity 93.9%; Specification 100%Flu A: Sensitivity 91.4%; Speciality 95.7%Flu B: Sensitivity 87.6%; Speciality 95.9%Efficient3 tests in 1 consolidates and speeds workflowFast result