
    • StarGateStarGate
      New development with the changed, will it push the stock to go up?

      Singapore Stocks to Watch: Keppel, ComfortDelGro, The Hour Glass, Asia Vets, Alset

      THE following companies saw new developments that may affect trading of their securities on Friday (
      Singapore Stocks to Watch: Keppel, ComfortDelGro, The Hour Glass, Asia Vets, Alset
    • StarGateStarGate
      Slight change...

      S&P 500 Ends Lower after Four-Day Rally to Record High

      Dec 28 - The S&P 500closed slightly lower after hitting a record intraday high on Tuesday, as a four-day rally lost steam in thin trading and investors weighed Omicron-driven travel disruptions and store closures.The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Monday shortened the recommended isolation time for Americans with asymptomatic cases of COVID-19 to five days from the previous guidance of 10 days.The update follows approvals for new pills and more vaccines to fight COVID-19. It hel
      S&P 500 Ends Lower after Four-Day Rally to Record High
    • StarGateStarGate
      Go go go !!!

      S&P 500 closes at record high on retail sales cheer

      Dec 27 - The S&P 500 indexended at a record high on Monday, its fourth straight session of gains, as strong U.S. retail sales underscored economic strength and eased worries from Omicron-driven flight cancellations that hit travel stocks.U.S. retail sales increased 8.5% year-over-year this holiday season, powered by an ecommerce boom, according to a Mastercard Inc report, giving the S&P 500 retailing indexa boost.Travel-related stocks, typically sensitive to coronavirus news, declined after U.S
      S&P 500 closes at record high on retail sales cheer
    • StarGateStarGate
      Go go go!!!

      Will Apple or Microsoft hit $3 trillion next year? 10 tech predictions for 2022

      Wall Street has started its annual look-ahead predictions for next year, and Wedbush Securities is b
      Will Apple or Microsoft hit $3 trillion next year? 10 tech predictions for 2022
    • StarGateStarGate
      Pay tax or else

      薇娅偷税被罚13亿,全网封杀!一夜回到解放前... ...

      昨天,最大的瓜就是薇娅被查税,罚款13亿的事情了。到目前为止,她已经被全网封杀,淘宝直播间、微博、小红书等都没了。 相信瓜大家都吃的差不多了,今天就聊聊别的: 1、崩塌、一夜回到解放前 薇娅是国内直播带货老大,背后有大几百人的员工,每年数十亿的营收。而且薇娅平时一直很注重维护公众形象,多次参与公益活动,得过三八红旗手,当过杭州一些活动的形象大使。 根据已公布的信息在2019、2020两年时间,薇娅大概偷税小7亿元,然后双倍罚款13.41亿。薇娅的收入档位,是按照最高个人所得税45%扣的,这罚款直接翻翻,相当于扣了90%,所以肯定是要吐血了。 不久前,她和她老公还进入了福布斯前500名,这下什么都没有了。她们主要财富是来自于公司的估值,以后不让直播真就什么都没有了。 2、该罚 从杭州税务局的通告上看: “根据大数据分析,发现薇娅有偷逃税的问题,并且税务机关经过 多次督促,仍不整改”。 注意“多次”这个词。 这意味着税务局早就发现她偷税的小伎俩了,也多次苦口婆心地提醒过了,正常人的反应是什么? 当然是赶紧补齐啊,亡羊补牢啊,对不对? 但薇娅在干嘛?在被封杀的头一天,还在开心的直播卖货,并准备这年终大促,完全没有看出有什么不正常的地方。 要说她完全没把税务局的话当回事,也不对,可能还是心存侥幸,执着于“小伎俩”,忙着注销把公司注销等等操作。所以,她被罚的一点也不怨,机会给了,不珍惜啊。 3、直播行业将重塑? 有人说,可能直播行业要整顿,其实我觉得危言耸听了。 十四五规划里写到: 健全直接税体系,完善综合与分类相结合的个人所得税制度,加强对高收入者的税收调节和监。 我国的税收政策主要是间接税,而西方国家主要是直接税。 间接税,简单来说就是增值税,就是你买的东西里已经包含了税,商家替你纳税了。 发展中国家一般都这么收税,主要是为了保证税收的稳定
      薇娅偷税被罚13亿,全网封杀!一夜回到解放前... ...
    • StarGateStarGate
      What you don't expect 
      $SEA LTD(SE)$Averaged down today. Kinda out of funds. Now I truly understand what they meant by cash is king. Everything lookslike they are having sales but the wallet is empty.
      $SEA LTD(SE)$Averaged down today. Kinda out of funds. Now I truly understand what they meant by cash is king. Everything lookslike they are having sales but the wallet is empty.
    • StarGateStarGate
      Go go go!!!

      5 Reasons Apple Stock Can Trade Higher From Here

      Over the last two years,Apple stock has rallied an extraordinary 141%, driving the company’s market
      5 Reasons Apple Stock Can Trade Higher From Here
    • StarGateStarGate
      If you have cash, invest in AAPL. Go go go!!!
    • StarGateStarGate
      Go go go !!!

      Tesla Is Back Above $1,000. Are New Highs Next?

      Tesla stock is back on the move and this time, it's trading back above $1,000. Here's how the charts
      Tesla Is Back Above $1,000. Are New Highs Next?
    • StarGateStarGate
      Better to play safe than sorry after... 

      Singapore to freeze new ticket sales for quarantine-free travel

      SINGAPORE, Dec 22 (Reuters) - Singapore will freeze all new ticket sales for flights and buses under
      Singapore to freeze new ticket sales for quarantine-free travel
