
Huat ah!

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      May sound like a broken record by now. Started my investment journey as a student in feb 2021, at the ATH of many hype tickers such as ARK funds etc. It all went downhill from there. Kept averaging down to no avail. I do believe in the innovation and possibility of rebound/recovery so I am still holding on and not panic selling (what a rollercoaster!!!)Lesson learnt. Have to do due diligience and not follow others blindly. Not get tempted by the hype and gravy train when others post their extremely high returns and fomo in. Being more cautious and adopt a more wait and see attitude. Choose more fundamentally sound companies, those that I have some understanding of, or businesses with great potential and future that I can envision. With information and thus conviction, I


      分享2021年投资复盘,有机会赢取iPhone手机、苹果股票、半年度免佣卡,以及虎友们最最最喜欢的限量款台历。2021年,是纷繁复杂的一年,在经历了2020年全球疫情爆发、美股多次熔断之后,2021年,我们再度见证了太多“活久见”:从年初的散户大战华尔街,到中概股暴跌,再到元宇宙异军突起…身处其中的我们,每时每刻都在未知与巨变的冲击中摸索前行。 年末,老虎社区发起《2021投资大复盘》活动,邀请各位虎友分享自己的年度投资总结。在2021年,你做了哪些投资?对自己的投资表现满意吗?对于2022年的行情,你怎么看?你看好哪些投资标的和机会?欢迎虎友们畅所欲言! 【参与方式】 在"2021投资大复盘"主题下发帖,或者题目中包含"2021投资大复盘"等关键字 : 回顾2021年的投资记录,有什么心得感悟? 在2021年,你曾做了哪些"神操作"?得到什么启发? 在2021年,哪次失败的投资令你“痛彻心扉”?总结出哪些教训? 展望2022年,你又希望收获什么? 友情提示:篇幅长的虎友可以在发帖时选择"写长帖",也可以使用老虎社区网页发帖,支持多图及长文格式哦 【活动时间】 即日起至2021年12月31日 【活动奖品】 凡在"2021投资大复盘"主题下发帖或者在本帖参与回复的用户,均可获得66虎币。 一等奖:苹果iPhone 12 Pro Max (1个) 二等奖:1股苹果股票(10个) 三等奖:半年度免佣卡 (20个) 优质奖:月度免佣卡 除此之外,我们还会从参与复盘活动的虎友中随机选出50名征文内容优质的幸运虎友,赠送2022年台历一份。数量有限,先到先得~ 【评奖&奖励发放规则】 客观评分(50%):根据文章的字数、阅读、转发、评论、点赞数量; 主观评分(50%):根据文章质量进行评审打分。 【奖品发放细则】 我们将在活动结束
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      A Christmas present from Tiger Brokers

      As the end of the year approaches, many of us will begin our Christmas shopping, assuming we haven't already done enough shopping sprees over the 9.9, 10.10 and 11.11 sale. However, we should also not forget to save a little and put it into our investment portfolio given that investing has the ability to perform its magic of compounding and delivering long term returns. One fund we think investors can look into is the $Fidelity Global Multi Asset Income A-MINCOME(G)-SGD(LU1084809471.SGD)$ fund and here’s why.Instead of holding cash, why not collect dividends and enjoy capital appreciation?Lately, both the fixed income and equity market has been volatile as inflationary fears rise. Investing in such market cond
      A Christmas present from Tiger Brokers
