
    • 嘉豪9191嘉豪9191


      不知道大家还记得10月份“上海一房东抛售93套房子”的事情么?当时,正赶上“房产税试点”政策的出台,一度引发广大人群的无限遐想。 具体是咋回事儿呢? 就是说,一个叫世茂的房地产公司,在浦东陆家嘴,这个上海的核心地块,房价10万起步的地方,打8折抛售了93套房子。这一下,吸引了3万多名购房者,连夜排队买楼,仅25个小时,93套房瞬间清空,并且是全款付清,套现4.5亿。 结果呢?就在昨天,世茂宣布: 网上出现各种传言,并影响到后续流程,让世茂感到非常难过和痛心。经世茂多方沟通并慎重决策,不得不停止上述房源销售,并将启动善后程序。 也就是说,此前“已卖出”的93套房子全部退房!包括,已经成功售卖、网签的39套房。 这场闹剧究竟在闹啥? 在中国,企业从银行贷款的最好渠道就是“不动产抵押贷款”,而不动产主要指的就是房子。 房地产行业,向来资金比较紧张,世茂也一样,这93套房子早就抵押给了陆家嘴信托,期限从2020年1月21号到2022年1月20号,债券数额9.5亿元。也就是说这个抵押状态还有1个多月就要到期,世茂面临9.5亿的债务还款。只要把这个钱换上,然后又可以继续拿房子抵押出去再贷款。 但是,世茂可能面临一个问题,短期内上哪弄9.5亿去? 于是,8折大促的闹剧就上演了。 抵押状态的房子,也是可以进行交易的,但是再未解压前,是无法进行过户的。 也就是说,按照购房者相信中的剧本,应该是这样的: 我们全款付钱买房,世茂拿着钱去银行还钱,解除质押,最后过户。 然而,现实是这样的: 世茂拿到了钱,但声称因为某些原因“无法售卖”,将启动全部退款,而且可以给到3.85%年化的赔偿。 但是要按程序来,需要 30个工作日以后原路返回。 这30个工作日,1个半月的时间,正好比世茂9.5亿的债务还款日多几天。 巧不巧?妙不妙?现在,已经有不少人怀疑,世茂的“8折大促”,不过是想通过这种方法从
    • 嘉豪9191嘉豪9191

      Jack Dorsey卸任Twitter首席执行官

      推特周一表示,Jack Dorsey卸任Twitter首席执行官,董事会一致任命首席技术官Parag Agrawal为继任者;Dorsey将继续担任董事会成员,直至2022年5月任期届满;公司之前公布
      Jack Dorsey卸任Twitter首席执行官
    • 嘉豪9191嘉豪9191


    • 嘉豪9191嘉豪9191

      [Halloween Game] Trade or Treat!

      Hello, dear Tigers! Happy Halloween! 🎃🎃🎃 Tap here to play the Halloween game, and you stand a chance to win various rewards! Promotion Period: October 27, 2021 18:00 - November 9, 2021 18:00 (SGT) 1. How to Participate? All Tiger clients may collect points which can be used to redeem rewards by taking part in the Trade or Treating Game. All existing Tiger clients will have 2 game attempts. Clients can get more game attempts by completing different tasks, such as 'Invite a friend' or 'Share Halloween Game'. 2. How to collect points? Each player has 30 seconds to catch falling candies while av
      [Halloween Game] Trade or Treat!
    • 嘉豪9191嘉豪9191

      [Halloween Game] Trade or Treat!

      Hello, dear Tigers! Happy Halloween! 🎃🎃🎃 Tap here to play the Halloween game, and you stand a chance to win various rewards! Promotion Period: October 27, 2021 18:00 - November 9, 2021 18:00 (SGT) 1. How to Participate? All Tiger clients may collect points which can be used to redeem rewards by taking part in the Trade or Treating Game. All existing Tiger clients will have 2 game attempts. Clients can get more game attempts by completing different tasks, such as 'Invite a friend' or 'Share Halloween Game'. 2. How to collect points? Each player has 30 seconds to catch falling candies while av
      [Halloween Game] Trade or Treat!
    • 嘉豪9191嘉豪9191

      [Halloween Game] Trade or Treat!

      Hello, dear Tigers! Happy Halloween! 🎃🎃🎃 Tap here to play the Halloween game, and you stand a chance to win various rewards! Promotion Period: October 27, 2021 18:00 - November 9, 2021 18:00 (SGT) 1. How to Participate? All Tiger clients may collect points which can be used to redeem rewards by taking part in the Trade or Treating Game. All existing Tiger clients will have 2 game attempts. Clients can get more game attempts by completing different tasks, such as 'Invite a friend' or 'Share Halloween Game'. 2. How to collect points? Each player has 30 seconds to catch falling candies while av
      [Halloween Game] Trade or Treat!
    • 嘉豪9191嘉豪9191

      [Halloween Game] Trade or Treat!

      Hello, dear Tigers! Happy Halloween! 🎃🎃🎃 Tap here to play the Halloween game, and you stand a chance to win various rewards! Promotion Period: October 27, 2021 18:00 - November 9, 2021 18:00 (SGT) 1. How to Participate? All Tiger clients may collect points which can be used to redeem rewards by taking part in the Trade or Treating Game. All existing Tiger clients will have 2 game attempts. Clients can get more game attempts by completing different tasks, such as 'Invite a friend' or 'Share Halloween Game'. 2. How to collect points? Each player has 30 seconds to catch falling candies while av
      [Halloween Game] Trade or Treat!
    • 嘉豪9191嘉豪9191

      [Halloween Game] Trade or Treat!

      Hello, dear Tigers! Happy Halloween! 🎃🎃🎃 Tap here to play the Halloween game, and you stand a chance to win various rewards! Promotion Period: October 27, 2021 18:00 - November 9, 2021 18:00 (SGT) 1. How to Participate? All Tiger clients may collect points which can be used to redeem rewards by taking part in the Trade or Treating Game. All existing Tiger clients will have 2 game attempts. Clients can get more game attempts by completing different tasks, such as 'Invite a friend' or 'Share Halloween Game'. 2. How to collect points? Each player has 30 seconds to catch falling candies while av
      [Halloween Game] Trade or Treat!
    • 嘉豪9191嘉豪9191

      [Halloween Game] Trade or Treat!

      Hello, dear Tigers! Happy Halloween! 🎃🎃🎃 Tap here to play the Halloween game, and you stand a chance to win various rewards! Promotion Period: October 27, 2021 18:00 - November 9, 2021 18:00 (SGT) 1. How to Participate? All Tiger clients may collect points which can be used to redeem rewards by taking part in the Trade or Treating Game. All existing Tiger clients will have 2 game attempts. Clients can get more game attempts by completing different tasks, such as 'Invite a friend' or 'Share Halloween Game'. 2. How to collect points? Each player has 30 seconds to catch falling candies while av
      [Halloween Game] Trade or Treat!
    • 嘉豪9191嘉豪9191

      [Halloween Game] Trade or Treat!

      Hello, dear Tigers! Happy Halloween! 🎃🎃🎃 Tap here to play the Halloween game, and you stand a chance to win various rewards! Promotion Period: October 27, 2021 18:00 - November 9, 2021 18:00 (SGT) 1. How to Participate? All Tiger clients may collect points which can be used to redeem rewards by taking part in the Trade or Treating Game. All existing Tiger clients will have 2 game attempts. Clients can get more game attempts by completing different tasks, such as 'Invite a friend' or 'Share Halloween Game'. 2. How to collect points? Each player has 30 seconds to catch falling candies while av
      [Halloween Game] Trade or Treat!
