
    • 独羽独羽
      Hong Kong today is not the same Hong Kong of yesterday...at least for a small peanut like me. But who cares? LOL.东方之珠,已失去光芒?

      Trading tax hike won’t harm competitiveness of Hong Kong’s stock market, says financial secretary

      Hong Kong’s plan to increase the stamp duty on stock trading will not harm the competitiveness of the city’s financial markets, Financial Secretary Paul Chan told CNBC on Friday.Chan said in his budget speech on Wednesday that the government will raise the stamp duty paid on listed stock trades from 0.1% to 0.13%.The move “will not harm our competitiveness and at the same time will bring additional revenue to the government at this juncture,” said Chan.Chan said in his budget speech on Wednesday
      Trading tax hike won’t harm competitiveness of Hong Kong’s stock market, says financial secretary
