$HATTEN LAND LIMITED(PH0.SI)$Hatten Land completes strategic review, to enter green energy and blockchain sectorshttp://www.theedgesingapore.com/news/digital-economy/hatten-land-completes-strategic-review-enter-green-energy-and-blockchain
$THAI BEVERAGE PUBLIC CO LTD(Y92.SI)$ThaiBev achieves best score in 2021 Dow Jones Sustainability Indexhttp://www.theedgesingapore.com/news/environmental-social-and-governance/thaibev-achieves-best-score-2021-dow-jones-sustainability
$THAI BEVERAGE PUBLIC CO LTD(Y92.SI)$ThaiBev' s FY2021 earnings inched higher, dampened by Covidhttp://www.theedgesingapore.com/capital/results/thaibevs-fy2021-earnings-inched-higher-dampened-covid
$REX INTERNATIONAL HOLDING LTD(5WH.SI)$Oil prices are headed for $100 despite U.S. efforts to release reserves, analyst sayshttp://www.cnbc.com/2021/11/24/oil-headed-for-100-despite-us-efforts-to-release-reserves-analyst.htm
$REX INTERNATIONAL HOLDING LTD(5WH.SI)$A release of surplus crude from national reserves would produce only a limited increase in the oil supply, industry watchers say. In June 2011, U.S. crude oil futures dropped from around $95 per barrel to about $91 immediately after the coordinated release was announced, but the price rebounded in about a week.U.S. benchmark West Texas Intermediate touched a six-week low at the $75 dollar a barrel range Friday before ending the day with a small gain." Beyond crude oil, there is a risk that prices of other national resources will soar in the future," said Ken Koyama, chief economist at the strategy research unit of Japan' s Institute of Energy Economics.