There’s nothing like Disney when you’re stuck at home, cause of unforeseen circumstances. Fun for the whole family. With enduring franchises such as…. $Walt Disney(DIS)$
Bought some more baba , at this price it's a bargain on the street , this is the best buy and undervalued, act fast before too late , 3x in 2 years easy , tencent and baba best of the best from China                                                    This stock is hotter than Megan Fox 🦊 grab it keep it $Alibaba(BABA)$
Don't over complicate things. Sometimes all you need is a line chart.$PayPal(PYPL)$
I’m in Pypl, but I concede it was a mistake. I exited my share position, thank goodness about a month ago, but took a loss anyway.They are a good company, but they are not undervalued. If say they are around fair value right now and if they can prove the explosive growth on the bottom line, it can reasonably expect a higher share price.  $PayPal(PYPL)$
A word about liquidityFor central banks through monetary policy, an impact on corporate liquidity. Usually, in such a period (a virus that affects growth, unemployment, etc).Central banks tend to give more liquidity and the interest rate environment is convenient for companies. But this time the central banks do not have these luxuries as inflation is high and as Powell said, it can no longer be said to be transitory. In light of this, we should not really be surprised by the weakness in the stock markets and high volatility. However, what is the impact of what has been said on a company whose day-to-day operations generate liquidity of hundreds of millions of dollars per quarter?A company that is hardly exposed to rising interest rates?A company whose projected demand for i
you're going to hate it when you wake up and this is $7+$Cumberland Pharmaceuticals(CPIX)$
Got my $MRNA booster at COST. My first 2 doses are BNTX. (Did not realize I did not turn off the phone when he walked in).$BioNTech SE(BNTX)$
SHORT SQUEEZE IS HERE!!! If anything Omicron will help $Microsoft(MSFT)$
Unfortunately earnings are on the decline. 12 month target is 100 dollars a share. First thing that goes down in a bear market which is coming is overvalued stocks. SQ earnings have been cut in half therefore the stock must be cut in half and then some. Gl and thank me $Square(SQ)$
Every decade something special emerges that is about to change the world. And this is it for me - The Metaverse. The assets that interest me in the space as an investor.$NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$
The second largest pension fund, California Teachers Union, sold Berkshire Hathaway and bought more $AMC. Do we really think they would gamble millions of TEACHERS dollars on a high risk investment??? If it failed they would be crucified$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$ $AMC Entertainment(AMC)$AMC Entertainment(AMC)
Citadel has to slow the party down for a second so they can eat $ from the weak Page facing up Raising hands TSLA traders. Who both sell and complain Man shrugging. HODL for this week’s run. So many catalysts to prop up the sail Sailboatin $TSLA this week. Not advice. Already in for my biggest ever call position. NFA.$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$Tesla Motors(TSLA)
I truly enjoy having my family’s all Tesla Y, n 3. Don’t need to buy anymore Gas. Soon Berlin TSLA will be added to productions….                                                                                     All nay sayers read other TSLA’s comments how giant it will be within next year or so. Tsla shorts never learn. They think tsla's a car company 🤣 🤣🤣
As of August of this year, I read that Tiger Global has SE as it’s 8th largest holding. They are a significant growth investor. So I invest some into it, now I think my choice has been proved is right, still hold it to the next ER.   Some ggod news is on the way                               $Sea Ltd(SE)$                         &
If you can stomach volatility, the holiday shopping season starts today! If you can’t, don’t do anything. Don’t buy, don’t sell, and most importantly, don’t panic! I’m looking for opportunities to add to my highest conviction names – ABNB, COIN and PLTR. Happy shopping!$Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ $Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)
With big movies, we expect that AMCTheatres could be busier than since 2019. Our theatre staffs have been smiling and working hard on the pandemic front lines for a long time now. Doing their best serving many millions of guests. Give them a big hello when you go to the movies.$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$ $AMC Entertainment(AMC)$AMC Entertainment(AMC)
Black Friday got its name because it’s the day many retailers go from being “in the red” to being “in the black” for the year. It’s also the day that many of their customers go from being in the black, to being in the red—coincidence or conspiracy? Shop smart today, friends!🛍$SoFi Technologies Inc.(SOFI)$ $SoFi Technologies Inc.(SOFI)$SoFi Technologies Inc.(SOFI)
$SE Posted this the day retrace started. Approaching 20% Downwards arrow and closer to 25% if we hit the 200MA/285 pivot. Long term I don't have any concerns and will add at key pivots on the way down. I also stated I think the next retrace will be the last for awhile.$Sea Ltd(SE)$ $Sea Ltd(SE)$Sea Ltd(SE)$Sea Ltd(SE)
I live in Asia and I want to share a couple of observations regarding SE. The first is that even before the pandemic forced us all into our homes for months, Shopee was part of our daily lives if we need ANYTHING for our home or daily lives. Secondly, somewhat unlike the West, the internet and wifi and mobile device use is pervasive here; I mean you CANT get away from it if you tried. I was on the Lao border up in the rural mountains some years back and had high speed mobile internet EVERYWHERE. Third, many countries in SE Asia (I live in Vietnam) have simply skipped the copper land line build-out and opted for the next, latest, fastest generation of wireless internet and it is made available to all and VERY inexpensively. Fourth, the middle class in this part of the world (unlike in the W
The RSI is super high here, drop back a little is sort normal. So look for buying opportunities if you see an intraday dip. I’m holding but we do need it to cool off in order to explode further. Technicals are what they are.                                                                                         &n
