老虎认证: 亚盛医药官方账号


受试者招募 现有一项“APG-2575单药治疗复发或难治性慢性淋巴细胞白血病/小淋巴细胞淋巴瘤的有效性和安全性的单臂关键注册II 期临床研究”正在开展并招募受试者。 入组条件 本研究已获得国家药品监督管理总局批准并通过各参与研究中心伦理委员会的审核,如果您符合以下条件,将有机会参加本项临床研究: ● 复发或难治慢性淋巴细胞白血病(CLL)/小淋巴细胞淋巴瘤(SLL) ● BTK抑制剂和免疫化疗均难治、复发、或不耐受;或:一线BTK抑制剂治疗失败且不适合免疫化疗 ● 年龄≥ 18岁,男性或非妊娠非哺乳期女性 ● 能够理解并自愿签署书面知情同意书 ● 自愿参加并能完成研究程序和随访检查 还需满足其他研究要求,如果您同意参加研究,研究医生将对您是否满足其他要求进行评估。 不需要为研究药物和本研究要求的检测、检查支付费用。 如果您满足以上条件且有意参加或有兴趣进一步了解该项研究更多信息,请联系:18907327297(马盼盼)

Ascentage Receives Top Awards from the 14th Health China Forum

Ascentage Pharma (6855.HK) announced that the company’s lead asset, Olverembatinib (HQP1351), is selected as the number 1 in the Top Ten New Drugs in China by the 14th Health China Forum organized by People’s Daily Health APP, and Health Times, a paper affiliated with People’s Daily.  Also, the Forum selected Ascentage’s Chairman and CEO, Prof. Dajun Yang, as the number 1 in the Top Ten Business Leaders in Pharmaceutical industry in China. Entering its fourteenth year, the highly regarded annual Health China Forum is one of the earliest and most influential industry events for the healthcare sector in China. The announcement of award winners is a much-anticipated part of the event garnering widespread interest from the industry. The winners for this year were selected after a seven-mo
Ascentage Receives Top Awards from the 14th Health China Forum

EHA 2022|Ascentage Releases Results of Lisaftoclax in R/R NHL

Ascentage Pharma (6855.HK), a global biopharmaceutical company engaged in developing novel therapies for cancers, chronic hepatitis B (CHB), and age-related diseases, today announced that it has released results from a Phase I study of the company’s novel Bcl-2-selective inhibitor lisaftoclax (APG-2575) in Chinese patients with relapsed/refractory non-Hodgkin lymphoma (r/r NHL) at the 2022 European Hematology Association Hybrid Congress (EHA 2022). The EHA Congress is the largest gathering of the hematology field in Europe. It showcases the most cutting-edge research and state-of-the-art innovative therapies, attracting over 10,000 clinical experts and researchers from more than 100 countries every year. Lisaftoclax Bcl-2-selective inhibitor  Lisaftoclax is a novel, orally administere
EHA 2022|Ascentage Releases Results of Lisaftoclax in R/R NHL

EHA2022|Ascentage to Present Clinical Data of Lisaftoclax in NHL

Ascentage Pharma (6855.HK), a global biopharmaceutical company engaged in developing novel therapies for cancers, chronic hepatitis B (CHB), and age-related diseases, today announced that it will release the latest results from a Phase I study of lisaftoclax (APG-2575), the company’s novel Bcl-2 selective inhibitor, in Chinese patients with relapsed/refractory non-Hodgkin lymphomas (r/r NHLs) at the 2022 European Hematology Association Hybrid Congress (EHA 2022), making it the company’s first appearance at the EHA Congress. The EHA Congress is the largest gathering of the hematology field in Europe. It showcases most cutting-edge research and state-of-the-art innovative therapies, attracting over 10,000 clinical experts and researchers from over 100 countries every year. This year, the EHA
EHA2022|Ascentage to Present Clinical Data of Lisaftoclax in NHL

Excerpts from MD Anderson Video Remarks on the World CML Day

This year’s World CML Day coincided with the recent publication of clinical data of olverembatinib (HQP1351) in the prestigious oncology journal, the Journal of Hematology & Oncology. Prof. Hagop Kantarjian, Chairman of the Department of Leukemia at MD Anderson Cancer Center, shared his thoughts on the eve of World CML Day. Click to watch the below video from Prof. Kantarjian. September 22nd was chosen as the date of the World CML Day because Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) is a disease driven by the BCR-ABL fusion gene induced by the translocation of human chromosome 9 and 22. Recently, results from a Phase I/II study of olverembatinib in patients with CML were published in the prestigious oncology journal, the Journal of Hematology & Oncology. The publication of these results
Excerpts from MD Anderson Video Remarks on the World CML Day


曾有一位教授说,“如果一定要生肿瘤,情愿是慢粒。”慢粒白血病,慢性白血病中最常见的一种类型,占成人白血病的15%。随着第一代靶向治疗药物的出现,慢粒白血病被称为“最幸运的白血病”,10年生存率高达85%-90%,实现和常人一样生存。数据之下,个体与疾病的搏击、新药的诞生、医生的努力、家庭的迷茫与坚持交织在一起,呈现着数据难以承载的生命张力。 9月22日是国际慢粒日,听一名85后慢粒患者说确诊故事,七年时间仿佛是在“不幸”与“幸运”之间折返跑。对这个小家庭而言,生死面前一切反而变得纯粹,就是要奋力“定格幸运”。 【本文转载自文汇报】 图源:图虫 01 哈尔滨的夏,一家人的心情降至冰点 没察觉到什么身体异样,于洋是在退伍归来工作七八年后,被确诊为慢粒的。 “当时,是单位例行体检,发现我的白细胞增高很多,体检的医院让我去复查,正常人的白细胞指标在4-10之间,我当时是20多,翻倍了。”于洋记得前往医院复查后,白细胞指标依旧很高,医生让住院接受骨穿等一系列检查。等一系列检查结果出来,他确诊了——是慢粒。 这是2013年的夏天,于洋28岁,拿着诊断报告,虽是哈尔滨的夏天,一家人的心情降到了冰点。 “以前没听说过这病,非常恐惧、迷茫。”出院后的于洋开始服用羟基脲维持治疗,“吃了一段羟基脲后,感觉血常规都正常了,就没怎么吃药了。” 大约一年后,于洋发现身体上的异样,总感觉没有力气,“当时也不知道是脾脏肿大,还当胃治,后来到了血液科,医生说是脾脏肿大,然后一查白细胞已经300多了。”于洋原以为吃羟基脲可以把血常规指标调整好,就没事了,直到脾脏出现问题、白细胞“严重超标”,他才知道这是不够的,“正规治疗”这才起步。 那是2014年的七八月,于洋住院了,继续服用羟基脲,并开始吃国产仿制靶向药。 于洋是不幸的,年纪轻轻确诊白血病。中国慢粒患者发病较西方更为年轻化,流行病学调查显示,中国慢粒患者的

Ascentage to  Present Data from Seven Studies at ASCO 2022

Ascentage Pharma (6855.HK) today announced that updated results from seven studies involving the company’s five novel drug candidates will be presented at the 2022 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting. The company will present clinical trials involving the third-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) olverembatinib (HQP1351); as well as the following investigational agents: (1) Bcl-2 inhibitor lisaftoclax (APG-2575); (2) MDM-p53 inhibitor alrizomadlin (APG-115); (3) ALK inhibitor APG-2449; and (4) dual Bcl-2/Bcl-xL inhibitor pelcitoclax (APG-1252). The ASCO Annual Meeting showcases the most cutting-edge research in clinical oncology and state-of-the-art advanced cancer therapies and is the world’s most influential and prominent scientific gathering of the cl
Ascentage to  Present Data from Seven Studies at ASCO 2022

Ascentage Releases Updated Results of Lisaftoclax in R/R CLL/SLL

Ascentage Pharma (6855.HK) today announced that it has released the updated results from a Phase Ib/II study of the Bcl-2 inhibitor lisaftoclax (APG-2575) in patients with relapsed/refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma (R/R CLL/SLL) in a Poster Presentation at the 58th American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting. Entering the fifth consecutive year in which company’s abstracts were selected for presentations by the ASCO Annual Meeting, Ascentage Pharma showcased results from multiple clinical trials of its five drug candidates, including favorable data of lisaftoclax, a key drug candidate of the company’s apoptosis-targeted pipeline, in Chinese patients with R/R CLL/SLL showing an objective response rate (ORR) of 67.4%. Lisaftoclax was well tole
Ascentage Releases Updated Results of Lisaftoclax in R/R CLL/SLL

Global Registrational Phase III Study of APG-2575 Cleared by FDA

Ascentage Pharma (6855.HK) announced today that lisaftoclax (APG-2575), a novel Bcl-2 inhibitor and one of the company’s core assets, has been cleared by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to enter a global registrational Phase III study for treatment of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma (CLL/SLL) who were BTKi previously treated . This clearance marks a major step-forward in the global development of lisaftoclax and another important milestone following the approval by the Center for Drug Evaluation (CDE) in China for the registrational Phase II study of lisaftoclax (APG-2575) in patients with relapsed/refractory CLL/SLL (R/R CLL/SLL) in December 2021, as it could potentially pave the way for lisaftoclax to become the second Bcl-2 inhibitor
Global Registrational Phase III Study of APG-2575 Cleared by FDA

【大咖寄语】国际慢粒日,MD Anderson癌症中心白血病科主任Hagop Kantarjian教授有话说

近期,奥雷巴替尼(耐立克®)的临床进展在国际著名肿瘤学术期刊Journal of Hematology&Oncology上发表。恰逢国际慢粒日,全球著名血液肿瘤专家、MD Anderson癌症中心白血病科主任Hagop Kantarjian教授从美国发来视频寄语。 观看下方视频,感受来自大洋彼岸的期盼! 慢粒,全称为慢性粒细胞白血病,也被称为慢性髓细胞白血病。其致病原因是患者体内第9号和22号染色体发生了相互易位,导致该易位形成了新的基因——BCR-ABL融合基因,这也是每年的9月22日被定为国际慢粒日的由来。 曾经,慢粒也被认为是一种“不治之症”,但是,随着靶向BCR-ABL的酪氨酸激酶抑制剂(TKI)问世,慢粒的治疗格局被改变。一代和二代BCR-ABL抑制剂让慢粒成为像高血压、糖尿病一样的“慢性病”,慢粒患者得以和正常人一样长期生存,并且回归工作、回归生活。 尽管慢粒白血病已经发展为可以治疗、控制甚至治愈的慢性病,患者依旧被笼罩在巨大的“耐药”阴霾之下。BCR-ABL激酶区突变是获得性耐药的重要机制,其中T315I突变是最常见的耐药突变类型。伴有T315I突变的慢粒患者对目前所有一代、二代BCR-ABL抑制剂均耐药。 在亚盛医药原创的第三代BCR-ABL抑制剂耐立克®上市前,中国伴T315I突变耐药慢粒患者长期面临无药可医的困境,而在全球层面,尽管已有药物获批使用,但因药物可及性、药物相关不良事件等原因,耐药慢粒的治疗仍然存在未被完全满足的临床需求。 近期,耐立克®治疗耐药慢粒的I期和II期临床研究结果在国际著名肿瘤学术期刊Journal of Hematology&Oncology上发表,进一步验证了该品种在慢粒患者中的持久疗效和安全性。这意味着中国创新药有望惠及全球慢粒患者,亦向全世界展示了中国的创新能力和学术实力。 恰逢国际慢粒日,全球著名血液肿瘤专家、MD An
【大咖寄语】国际慢粒日,MD Anderson癌症中心白血病科主任Hagop Kantarjian教授有话说

Study of Olverembatinib in Refractory CML/ALL Approved in Canada

Ascentage Pharma (6855.HK) today announced that the Phase Ib study of Ascentage Pharma’s novel drug candidate, olverembatinib (HQP1351), for the treatment of patients with refractory chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) or Philadelphia chromosome positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia (Ph+ ALL) has been approved by Health Canada, making it Ascentage Pharma’s first clinical study in the country. This open-label, multicenter, randomized, global Phase Ib study is designed to evaluate the safety, efficacy, pharmacokinetics (PK) and determine the recommended Phase II dose (RP2D) of olverembatinib in patients with CML in chronic-phase (CP), accelerated-phase (AP), or blast-phase (BP) or with Ph+ ALL, who are resistant or intolerant to at least two tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs). CML is a hematologic
Study of Olverembatinib in Refractory CML/ALL Approved in Canada


今天是国际慢粒日,人民日报健康客户端推出国际慢粒日特别策划直播节目《领全球创新、解耐药难题,聚焦慢粒治疗新突破》。并邀请北京大学血液病研究所、北京大学人民医院血液科副主任江倩教授,与亚盛医药董事长、CEO杨大俊博士来到直播间,共同探讨慢粒白血病治疗领域的现状、挑战和突破。 主持人 江教授,请您向我们介绍下,咱们国家慢粒的发病率和疾病治疗现状 江倩教授:“慢粒是在白血病领域第三位发生的疾病,占所有白血病的15%,发病率并不高。但是,慢粒患者人群还是非常庞大的。据推测,30年以后,全球慢粒患者的数量可能会在几百万左右。 在国际上,慢粒确诊的中位年龄是57-65岁之间。我们国家一直没有非常确切流行病学数据,但很多研究显示,我们中国的慢粒患者中位诊断年龄在40-50岁之间,能明显看出比西方国家的发病中位年龄低15-20岁。” 主持人 目前临床上已经能有控制慢粒,甚至功能性治愈,这是如何实现的? 江倩教授:在人们刚认识到慢粒白血病的时候,只是发现患者白细胞过高,出现脾脏巨大。那时的治疗方法非常简单,就是给患者放射线照射脾脏,但这些患者的生存期很短,很快就会死去。 后来有了化疗药物能够降低白细胞,甚至可以在一段时间内缩小脾脏。但是患者的中位生存期就是3-5年。再后来,干扰素的出现让一部分的患者得以获益,但这只占很小的比例,总的中位生存期比过去也就延长了1年。 临床上从上个世纪就开始通过骨髓移植治疗慢粒患者,但是移植对病人条件很高,要年轻,要身体各方面条件很好;移植的花费也非常大,要有大量资金的支持;此外,移植的风险也很高,有50%的人因为移植相关合并症,或者因为最后复发,导致治疗失败。 随着科学家们慢慢开始从染色体层面、从基因的层面了解慢粒,并针对它的致病根源研发药物,20世纪90年代,靶向BCR-ABL的TKI问世,慢粒的治疗方式得以革新,有90%的慢粒患者都可以像正常人一样长期生存

Ascentage Declares No Business Dealings with Silicon Valley Bank

In light of the recent closure of Silicon Valley Bank, Ascentage Pharma Group International (the “Company” or “Ascentage Pharma”) would like to state that, since the Company’s incorporation, the Company has not had any business dealings with Silicon Valley Bank or its affiliates. In addition, as at the date of this announcement, the Company has not placed any deposit with Silicon Valley Bank or its affiliates. About Ascentage Pharma Ascentage Pharma (6855.HK) is a globally focused biopharmaceutical company engaged in developing novel therapies for cancers, chronic hepatitis B, and age-related diseases. On October 28, 2019, Ascentage Pharma was listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited with the stock code 6855.HK. Ascentage Pharma focuses on developing therapeutics
Ascentage Declares No Business Dealings with Silicon Valley Bank

Ascentage Releases Results of FAK/ALK/ROS1 inhibitor APG-2449

Ascentage Pharma (6855.HK) today announced that it has released the results from its Phase I first-in-human (FIH) study of the company’s novel FAK inhibitor and third-generation ALK/ROS1 tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) APG-2449 in patients with second-generation TKI-resistant ALK/ROS1+ non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) or mesothelioma in a Poster Presentation at the 58th American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting. APG-2449 is the first China-developed third-generation ALK inhibitor entering clinical studies. Entering the fifth consecutive year in which its abstracts were selected for presentations by the ASCO Annual Meeting, Ascentage Pharma showcased results from multiple clinical trials of its five drug candidates, including the first-time results of APG-2449 highlighti
Ascentage Releases Results of FAK/ALK/ROS1 inhibitor APG-2449

Ascentage Releases Updated Results of Alrizomadlin+Pembrolizumab

Ascentage Pharma (6855.HK) today announced that it has released the updated results from a Phase II study of the MDM2-p53 inhibitor alrizomadlin (APG-115) plus pembrolizumab in adults and children with various solid tumors in a Poster Discussion session at the 58th American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting. Entering the fifth consecutive year in which its abstracts were selected for presentations by the ASCO Annual Meeting, Ascentage Pharma showcased results from multiple clinical trials of its five drug candidates, including the much-anticipated data of alrizomadlin plus pembrolizumab, updated from the data at last year’s oral presentation at the ASCO Annual Meeting. The updated results further validate the combination therapy’s efficacy in patients with immuno-oncologic
Ascentage Releases Updated Results of Alrizomadlin+Pembrolizumab

Ascentage to Present at 41st J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference

Ascentage Pharma (6855.HK), a global biopharmaceutical company engaged in developing novel therapies for cancers, chronic hepatitis B (CHB), and age-related diseases, today announced that its Chairman and CEO, Dr. Dajun Yang, has accepted an invitation to speak at the 41st Annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference, at 08:30 AM, January 11, 2023, Pacific Time (00:30 AM, January 12, 2023, Beijing Time), to provide an update on Ascentage Pharma’s progress with its proprietary innovation and global R&D. The annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference is the largest and most informative event for the global pharmaceutical industry and the investment community. The 41st Conference will take place in San Francisco, California, the United States, on January 9-12. Time: January 11, 08:30–08:55 AM,
Ascentage to Present at 41st J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference


亚盛医药(6855.HK)宣布,“踔厉前行,创新致盛”——首届亚盛创新药高质量发展生态峰会暨亚盛医药全球产业基地及创新工场启用仪式今日在苏州圆满举办,标志着公司又迎来新的重大里程碑。 在本次活动上,除了亚盛医药全球产业基地及创新工场启用仪式的隆重举办,盛禾众创空间揭牌、首批入驻企业签约、中国药科大学国际商学院就业基地挂牌等系列仪式相继举行。 苏州市委副书记、市长吴庆文,苏州市政府秘书长俞愉,国家专利局专利审查协作江苏中心副主任孙跃飞,苏州工业园区党工委副书记、管委会主任林小明,苏州市工信局局长万利,苏州市市场监督管理局局长钱斌,苏州市医保局局长施燕萍,江苏省药监局苏州检查分局局长、苏州审评核查分中心主任王琳琳女士等领导出席并见证了此次庆典。 吴庆文表示:“当前苏州正深入学习贯彻党的二十大精神,加快实施创新驱动发展战略,加快实现高水平科技自立自强。生物医药是苏州举全市之力重点培育的‘一号产业’,近年来苏州持之以恒聚焦新药研发、高端医疗器械、生物技术及新型疗法等三大重点领域,全力打造国际一流生物医药创新策源地、世界级生物医药产业地标核心区。 亚盛医药是我市优秀生物医药企业的代表,期待亚盛医药以本次活动为新的起点,继续扎根苏州、创新发展,为我市生物医药产业发展树立新的标杆、增添新的动力。苏州将继续秉持亲商服务理念,不断强化政策支撑、完善配套设施、做优人才服务,着力构建原始创新、技术创新、产业创新齐头并进的良好局面,助力包括亚盛医药在内的生物医药创新企业加速成长壮大,携手打造苏州生物医药产业的美好明天。” 全球产业基地启航,转型全产业链企业 继2021年12月亚盛医药全球总部、研发中心在苏州启用,公司又迎来重大里程碑,全球产业基地宣告正式起航。 亚盛医药日前通过现场核查、并获准核发药品生产企业许可证(A证),是公司全产业链发展的一个重要里程碑。该证为2022年度苏州市生物医药企业所

Ascentage to Present at 2022 J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference

Ascentage Pharma (6855.HK), a global biopharmaceutical company engaged in developing novel therapies for cancers, chronic hepatitis B (CHB), and age-related diseases, today announced its participation in and presentation at the 40th Annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference. Dr. Dajun Yang, Chairman & CEO of Ascentage Pharma, will present at the conference on January 10th, 2022 at 9:00-9:25 AM ET (10:00-10:25 PM China Standard Time). The annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference is the largest and most informative healthcare investment symposium in the industry. The 40th Conference will take place virtually from January 10th through January 13th, 2022, ET. The webcast of the presentation can be listened at the link below. https://jpmorgan.metameetings.net/events/healthcare22/sessions/403
Ascentage to Present at 2022 J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference

一图读懂 | 亚盛医药2024年中期业绩

一图读懂 | 亚盛医药2024年中期业绩


亚盛医药(6855.HK)与信达生物制药集团(1801.HK)共同宣布,原创1类新药奥雷巴替尼片(商品名:耐立克®)已成功纳入《国家基本医疗保险、工伤保险和生育保险药品目录(2022年)》(以下简称国家医保目录),医保支付范围为:“限T315I突变的慢性髓细胞白血病(也称慢性粒细胞白血病,简称慢粒)慢性期或加速期的成年患者。”新版医保目录将于2023年3月1日起正式生效。 耐立克®是亚盛医药原创1类新药,为中国首个且唯一获批上市的第三代BCR-ABL抑制剂,也是伴有T315I突变的慢粒唯一治疗药物,获“十二五”、“十三五”国家“重大新药创制”专项支持,具有全球同类最佳(Best-in-class)潜力。该品种于2021年11月获批在中国上市,耐立克®在中国的商业化推广由亚盛医药与信达生物共同负责。 此次耐立克®成功纳入国家医保目录,再次证明其是满足患者急需、填补临床空白、疗效和安全性俱优的创新药物。进入国家医保目录将进一步提升耐立克®的患者可及性和可负担性,让更多慢粒患者有药可用、用得起药、用得上药,从而延续生命精彩,并为家庭和社会做出贡献。 慢粒是骨髓造血干细胞克隆性增殖形成的恶性肿瘤,是慢性白血病中最常见的一种类型,占成人白血病的15%[1]-[2]。现有的流行病学调查数据显示,中国慢粒患者的中位发病年龄为45-50岁,比西方患者年轻近20岁[3],正是家庭中流砥柱的年纪。 随着靶向BCR-ABL的酪氨酸激酶抑制剂(TKI)药物上市,针对慢粒的治疗方式得以革新,慢粒患者可通过规范服药,获得长期的生存获益,甚至回归工作与生活。但获得性耐药一直是慢粒治疗的主要挑战。其中,伴有T315I突变的慢粒患者对目前所有一代、二代BCR-ABL抑制剂均耐药,长期困扰患者治疗。耐立克®作为中国首个和唯一获批上市的第三代BCR-ABL抑制剂,也是伴有T315I突变的慢粒唯一治疗药物,填补了
