lol...forget motley+1 [开心]//@Rocketupup:Forget motley
Forget Dogecoin -- These Stocks Could Go to the Moon
Hello, Nokia!$Nokia Oyj(NOK)Very good gap there!To the moon! 🚀🚀🚀Here we go!Up , up and beyond![开心] [开心] [开心] 
回复 @sgric:np bro. share more, gain more. all the best! [握手]//@sgric:thanks for sharing :) [握手]
@jiraiya自来也:If, i say if, cryptos were to crash to the lowest point, remember to hodl if they are real working projects, every 4 year will have a bull cycle, and everytime the bulls coming stronger than the one before. Do not panic sell. HODL.如果,我是说如果、万一, 加密货币“价”崩了,如果您买的币都有真实运用个案的,守住,别惊恐抛售,每四年会有一个大牛市,而且每一个牛市都比之前的来得强。记住了啊。$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$$Bitcoin Investment Trust(GBTC)$$CME Group Inc(CME)$
回复 @Xismal:yes, HODL is one way. just remember do not panic sell. the price will come back and reach ATH again.//@Xismal:HODL
@jiraiya自来也:If, i say if, cryptos were to crash to the lowest point, remember to hodl if they are real working projects, every 4 year will have a bull cycle, and everytime the bulls coming stronger than the one before. Do not panic sell. HODL.如果,我是说如果、万一, 加密货币“价”崩了,如果您买的币都有真实运用个案的,守住,别惊恐抛售,每四年会有一个大牛市,而且每一个牛市都比之前的来得强。记住了啊。$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$$Bitcoin Investment Trust(GBTC)$$CME Group Inc(CME)$
回复 @sgric:usdt as of now. cash out all my alts and btc to usdt. wait for retracements then enter again. 😄//@sgric:hi bro just curious which coins are you holding
@jiraiya自来也:If, i say if, cryptos were to crash to the lowest point, remember to hodl if they are real working projects, every 4 year will have a bull cycle, and everytime the bulls coming stronger than the one before. Do not panic sell. HODL.如果,我是说如果、万一, 加密货币“价”崩了,如果您买的币都有真实运用个案的,守住,别惊恐抛售,每四年会有一个大牛市,而且每一个牛市都比之前的来得强。记住了啊。$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$$Bitcoin Investment Trust(GBTC)$$CME Group Inc(CME)$
If, i say if, cryptos were to crash to the lowest point, remember to hodl if they are real working projects, every 4 year will have a bull cycle, and everytime the bulls coming stronger than the one before. Do not panic sell. HODL.如果,我是说如果、万一, 加密货币“价”崩了,如果您买的币都有真实运用个案的,守住,别惊恐抛售,每四年会有一个大牛市,而且每一个牛市都比之前的来得强。记住了啊。$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$$Bitcoin Investment Trust(GBTC)$$CME Group Inc(CME)$
我们准备在比特币两万美金一颗见。$CME Group Inc(CME)$$Bitcoin Investment Trust(GBTC)$$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$
$HE 20210618 45.0 CALL(HE)$[开心] [开心] 
回复 @熙熙999:[喷血] [喷血] [喷血] [喷血]+1//@熙熙999:[喷血] [喷血] [喷血] [喷血]
$TIGR 20210521 12.5 PUT(TIGR)$not bad. Free money for your limit buy orders. [财迷] [哇塞] [爱心] [美金] [捂嘴] [爱你] 
今年市场大调整是免不了的。 只要做好风险管理,应该不会太大影响,反而是可以大赚一笔的大好机会。
$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$sold some put option expiry 21st May 2021, the premium not as lucrative as last time.Any nice counter with nice premium to recommend? 😉[暗中观察] [开心] 
 大神买了300万颗。3,000,000 * 134 = $402,000,000[惊吓] [惊吓] [惊吓] 
[无语] [无语] [无语]
@RyC:[无语] [无语] [无语] 
的确,我也这么认为。 [666]
[捂脸] [捂脸] [捂脸] 
@stonkexpert:$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$it seems like buying will cause it to dip while selling will cause it to rise [捂脸] 
