for retirement
$Sea Ltd(SE)$looks like no chance to load up at $200 [Cry] 
$Sea Ltd(SE)$Looks like going downtrend for this week also
$Grab Holdings(GRAB)$Thank this counter to recover my Nov lost lol…. just close my short position [LOL] 
$Sea Ltd(SE)$Sold at 364. Bought at 304, 295 and 273….. looks like need to average aome at 240 [Facepalm] 
$Sea Ltd(SE)$correction gonna start, hope wont dive below 250
$Sea Ltd(SE)$Jump in at 307, next target 285 will buy more
$Sea Ltd(SE)$Keep expending without any profit, no idea how long it can keep going
$FuelCell(FCEL)$I just bought some PUT $6.5 sudden surge normally will dive back in short term
$FUBO 20220121 30.0 CALL(FUBO)$Hope it can fly tonight
$fuboTV Inc.(FUBO)$Where is the Fubo Bull?
$Facebook(FB)$Delta varient will boost the FB sale again
$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$just topup in this counter. Hope can be double on next reporting
$Hyliion Holdings Corp.(HYLN)$When will itstart the engin?
is this the right time to buy it?
$Hyliion Holdings Corp.(HYLN)$any hope within a frw months? 
Finally a profitable trade this month
thx to all these hackers this couter has a very high potential
is this counter getting shot hard?
