the Committee decided to begin reducing its holdings of Treasury securities and agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities on June 1, as described in the Plans for Reducing the Size of the Federal Reserve's Balance Sheet that were issued in conjunction with this statement.按|最大抛售后收益率出現下跌↓曲线总体上將趋平 ,那麼是不是证明美債市場最严重的一轮抛售可能已结束(量化緊缩並不意味着利空債券)。目前賣备兑看漲期权(sell covered call), 是很多大的基金采用的策略 ,也可借鉴。"股債调息"加碼話來就來 ,反彈比过山車還快↑~~六一缩表 ICE先崩| Dollar cost averaging 是不是觸底已經不再重要!!被动投資的优勢在于去投机 ,让時間和复利來跑赢錵街基金经理。😍一旦缩表停止 ,储备子弹继续續吃紧。鉴于市场已經消化了大量加息的預期 ,鹰派surprised 的门槛总是很高。不知道財長鲍爷下一次会议上加息75个基点理由又是什麼!? 😆😆🤣
『疯狂星期四』早已进入技术性熊市大调整|黄金股、石油股板块走强↑ 哈莫尼黄金涨近7%, 赫克拉矿业涨逾4%, 马拉松石油涨近4%, 西方石油涨近3%。科技股普跌↓特斯拉跌逾8%, 英伟达跌超6%, 苹果跌近5%.老鹰派Barkin表示: 时间将证明乌克兰局势是否会改变利率前景| "逻辑是潜在需求很强 ,劳动力市场吃紧。通胀居高不下并在扩大。我认为正常化的政策逻辑取决于这些前提。"地缘政治风险使得加息50个基点的可能性降低。但利率期货数据显示有野讲: 下月中旬加息的25个基点预期可能已被市场完全消化!? 😆😆Inverse equity ETFs saw 44 mil inflow. Since Jan 4th, we have seen 600 mil inflow into inverse equity ETFs. Short term indicators are neutral and volatility indicators are still bearish on fear is at an all-time high(on VIX). institutions resumed buying dip and while there is surprisingly large amount. I believe institutions and smart money is positioning for a reversal. price is the ultimate arbiter!! If we see 2 consecutive days of close below Jan 24 low, I will go to cash and re-assess.
大盤🇱🇷波动指數VIX从高水平急速回落| FAANG 領先反弹 為今朝四巫日鋪路 罗指2000也算是起了个好开头🤣新通胀預期:“ 為什么資金出现大换碼? ” 基金沽售旧经济板塊, 再次换馬子追購新經济动力科技!?”"局內人"的对手是——波动性將主宰錵街!!散户抱团今夏醒定偃旗息鼓 🌫The Fed's median forecast shows that it will raise interest rates twice by the end of 2023.美联储FOMC声明:将超额准备金利率(IOER)从0.1%调整至0.15%. 自6月17日生效。美联储FOMC经济预期:2021年、2022年和2023年的PCE通胀预期中值分别为3.4%,2.1%,2.2%。(3月预期分别为2.4%,2.0%,2.1%)U.S. inflation explodes: Wall Street is happy, market trading logic changes quietly😩😩The Fed's median forecast shows that it will raise interest rates twice by the end of 2023.美联储FOMC声明:将超额准备金利率(IOER)从0.1%调整至0.15%. 自6月17日生效。美联储FOMC经济预期:2021年、2022年和2023年的PCE通胀预期中值分别为3.4%,2.1%,2.2%。(3月预期分别为2.4%,2.0%,2.1%)美联储在固定利率逆购中接纳7558亿美刀, 刷新历史新高。7558*0.05=377.9 意味深長...牛熊繼续共舞 股市趁机——投机者的春天!! 『加息好消息證實』獲利回吐|錵街观奌 是這樣的:経濟唔掂 「減息救市」,才是壞事。纍積儲蓄 、市中
吹一吹全球新增确诊情況|🤣 目前, 我国接种新冠疫苗超过2亿剂次,,这毋庸置疑是个好消息, 但放眼全球仍不容乐观。 当前已经连续8周上升, 上周更是创下单周最高。亞洲方面、印度本來都控制住了, 一天四五万新增病例。结果按期举办大壶节, 累计聚集人次上亿, 然后疫情反弹, 現在一天二三十万新增; 这次人口的大聚集, 我們看見更厉害的变异。当下能够超越美国日新增纪录的, 也只有印度了。😩😩 疫情恐慌继续卷土重来, 新冠肺炎本周將面临进一步转折加剧経济市场的风险! At present, about 77 million people in the United States have received two doses of the new coronavirus vaccine, of which 5800 have been found to be infected with the new coronavirus after vaccination, resulting in "breakthrough cases". Novel coronavirus pneumonia is the 396 most common cause of hospitalization for these "breakthrough cases" and 74 deaths. The CDC report pointed out that the tracking statistics of "breakthrough cases" are delayed, so the actual data should be higher than the number of cases found.🇺🇸 放望美国金融形势在无限QE之后,,貨幣政策几乎丧失几乎所有腾挪空间。疫情期间,
寒冬暴雪初來袭, 原油期貨入冬眠; 小鱷未見熊泡澡, 对策收紧表怀疑。流水不争, 滔滔不絕! 当前全球金融市场『盤路調整』有点看不透,,不像是2021 経濟復甦 起飛大格局.....🤣牛年報佳音 経濟復甦谁領先|星级牛X专家有料港股今年升至37000点, 各类資產現"牛踪"!调仓盤整意味深長.. 旧経濟繼续脫实入虚 新經濟崛起 順随产业升級新能源大洗牌 資本集中營正在邁向东南亞新兴市场 直接打脸摩根早前官方放的空屁🌫吹一吹近排美股市场熱点🇺🇸按十年美債盈虧失衡, 高見膨脹凸頂, 是否重現2000科技大泡沫!?What's driving breakevens? The recent increase in the 10Y yield has been primarily a function of rising breakeven yields as real yields remained pinned (your chart). Breakevens are a measure of market inflation expectations and tend to move with oil prices. Indeed, as oil prices rallied YTD, so have breakevens (my first chart). These are classic reflationary dynamics, but perhaps there is a case to be made that excessive liquidity conditions in the TIPS market (where breakevens are based), thanks to Fed's QE (they have been buying more T
新的一月新的开始💪上周末两个比较重要的消息, 一个是领导继续喊话全面注册制, 一股两制的分裂局面很快就会改变, 第二个是可转债规则的改变, 日内翻倍要成为绝唱。🤣但后面依旧会有转债的周期行情, 来的火热, 去得冷漠, 毕竟“华尔街没有新鲜事”外围疫情持续恶化, 英国英格兰已经进行二次全境封锁!“沪港”股票市场 IPO融资获佳绩, 只是万里长征第一步。其中高新科技政府发力, 民间企业研发有大差距, 依靠自身, 也靠政府。美国大选方面: 由于今年无党派中间选民将是摇摆州不确定性因素, 包括隐性阶层人士、年轻人力量等参投.....标500(SPY)再见大空头, 美股难道要用双头来迎接下一位总统吗? 早盘倾向| Biden win, but..... Biden ahead in pollsA series of polls released yesterday show Democratic nominee Joe Biden leading President Donald Trump both nationally and in battleground states, though some state races remain extremely close. Trump has been on a whistle-stop rally tour of crucial states, and today speaks in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. With very high numbers of mail-in ballots to process, there are already signs that counting in battleground states may not