$AMC院线(AMC)$嗯....说一些事情吧.....我们首先要了解友军的心理动态...才能更好的做。复制一下我们的对话:There are a lot of court cases in the US right now and if for some reason Biden is impeached or the stock market crashes and wall street goes to prison, then we might have another American government. Kind of like what happened to China 71 years ago after the Civil WaI Iwas reading about it and the KMT during that time had their own bonds that were bought by different countries. Anyway, they are worthless now. Current China does not acknowledge them.The election Of for some reason those court cases that are pending prove the election was a fraud, the government will not exist anymoreWors case scenarioIdk what will happen, but it's still very possible if they are trading sto