$Walt Disney(DIS)$ Go Woke Go Broke. Spiderman proves people want entertainment, not being preached to about race, trans or feminism.. Sony owns the filming rights to Spiderman. Sony keeps between 60-75% of the revenue. All this weekend proves is Sony is a better producer of Marvel IP than Woke Disney.
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$ don't worry about the price you paid for AMC and how much your down.....When settlement comes and it will...What you paid under 100$ will look like spare change in your vehicle ash tray
$BiondVax Pharmaceuticals(BVXV)$ looking at the 5day it rejected several times and could break 3.49 to make a new high so you could tell this was an area of exhaustion. If you caught 2.40s-2.50s this was an area to take some off and once it broke trendline it never got above. 21 ema ride would show you how this as it acted as support the whole ride before breaking below!
$Cassava Sciences Inc(SAVA)$ my take is that the halt let the longs and the shorts agreeon a price..hence we opened with 5 mil shares traded.now we have a well established base.for us longs.
$Amazon.com(AMZN)$ AMZN is pulling back against the 2019 low right now. It failed to make new all time highs at the 11/19 peak, only 3 waves higher from 8/19 lows. This instrument is favoured to move lower and break the 8/20 low, where buyers can be waiting at the blue box for a bounce.

Long and strong!

$Square(SQ)$ Long and strong.The fear mongering news.Paints the worst case scenario about the feds.Jerome Powell will be more dovish than the news portrays.Institutional investors feed off of it.Institutional investors make up 80% of the market recently it used to be 90% until the millennial stepped in.They’re shaking the tree and taking the week residential investor out of the equation only to pick up low lying fruit.
Long and strong!

We are all lucky

$Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ We are all lucky - thanks to the PLTR employees on the board and their insight, I’m fully expecting $30 EOY like they’ve been preaching all year. I was also happy to learn that Alex was forced to sell billions and couldn’t be bothered to buy 1 share back- really cleared things up for me. For those of you talking about bargains, maybe hold out for $5 instead of a temporarily green blotch that’s shoes up for 5 min
We are all lucky
$Nu Holdings Ltd.(NU)$ price/sales is over 70... too much overvalues market cap now..... $5 would be fair but let's see how market reacts in the following days.
$Altimeter Growth Corp.(AGC)$ IMO, AGC shorting is done by future GRAB share recipients as a way to get some money out. These will be covered once GRAB shares are in play after the merger. GRAB pricing will shoot up on it's own merits and not because of AGC shorts.In the unlikely scenario if merger doesn't go through shorts will have to cover AGC and the price of AGC will shoot up way beyond speculative GRAB price.

Last Friday was an anomaly

$Altamira Therapeutics Ltd.(CYTO)$ Company needs to start making money? So far bentrio has been on the market for months in parts of Europe and they have not released sales numbers. I suspect there is very few sales or they would have released news on them. No reason to be bullish.Last Friday was an anomaly.Be careful guys!
Last Friday was an anomaly
$360 Finance(QFIN)$ How are you guys feeling about earnings? I am pretty confident they will beat on revenue and earnings, I hope they talk about easing restrictions but not sure how deeply that affected them.
$Trade Desk Inc.(TTD)$ 10X normal volume. Big Boys be buyin. buy the confirmed breakout once it holds above $95

It's the No1 in the short and long term

$Roku Inc(ROKU)$ Price targets on average still above 400, some mid 300s some high 500s even 600 still massive upside here. Can see tons of support coming. What's funny is last earnings crushed missed on a few metrics which were common sense got punished, had amazing earnings here but nitpicked again. Market leaders get examined like a fine tooth comb, says something doesn't it? #1 and will be #1 in the short and long term.
It's the No1 in the short and long term

There will be 10 points from here

$PayPal(PYPL)$ looks like we we’re trying to find a bottom here after the falling knife the past 10 days. And it was a low volume day with some solid call contract accumulation. A small gap to $232 with healthy volume could be enough to send us 10 points from here.Time to get your postion!
There will be 10 points from here

Be careful!

$ABVC BioPharma, Inc.(ABVC)$ dude the fact that this became a "play" cracks me up. I watched ultra pump this from 4$ pm to 20+ due to no halts allowed lol 2 mil float that gets this much volume. That means they just kept recycling all the shares. This is funny af. If you become a bag holder u deserve to lose all ur money.Be careful!
Be careful!
$Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing(TSM)$ Least spoken about and the most influential semiconductor company in the universe !! Man up shorts and get your 🩳 burned bad
$China XD Plastics(CXDC)$ I think this is potential for a big run my company use a lot of plastic and that material become increase the value for shortage on production so this CXDC it will be very hot soon. I will sell my shares at 20s

This stock is buried in the darkness by funds

$Caterpillar(CAT)$ This stock is buried in the darkness by funds...even a JP Morgan top pick upgrade could not move the needle. That upgrade for tech would result in a 20% rally...I also expect just an OK quarter from CAT...because this management is incompetent....they don't know...s..t about how wall street works...we will have a down stock as usual after earning.
This stock is buried in the darkness by funds

Do not panic!

$Clover Health Corp(CLOV)$ there's a lot of first time investors out there that will sell at this price all they see is it going down and they don't ever see it coming back up again. So they panic and they sell I used to do that when I first started investing never again.Just hold a great company for a long time!
Do not panic!

we love the company

$BioNTech SE(BNTX)$ We know we'll be establishing decent Revenue in Q3...maybe the IB analysts median to high-end range is realistic. Then we have to concern ourselves with the "what about Q4 and beyond to 22/23" stuff. Some are jittery here with the unknown in that timeframe as well they should be. Lots of variables at play with Covid, variants, vax deniers, politics,, mandates, competition, etc. The future is a moving target to say the least. Looooong term we can all say we love the company and it's mRNA outlook against various diseases.
we love the company
