FCHmain (富时中国H50指数主连 2502)
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Futures trading competition: We finally have winner from Singapore!

We finally have a winner from Singapore in our Futures trading competition! 30th September 2021 marks the end of our Live Trading Competition for Futures. We would like to thank everyone for making this a successful run. Tiger Brokers proudly interviewed one of the winners from Singapore. Background information of the competition: In 2014, Futures Daily of China (期货日报) successfully held the 1st Global Derivatives Trading Competition. This year, Futures Daily of China once again launched the Global Derivatives Trading Competition with Tiger Brokers and other world leading exchanges and designated brokers. This competition is supported by CME, HKEX, TOCOM, SGX, and also brokers from t
Futures trading competition: We finally have winner from Singapore!


号称利润不超5%的小米该终于涨了。别紧张,说的是股价。之前也涨过,1月份突破35港币。好怀念5个月前的美好瞬间。然后一路向下,差点跌破20。心肝儿怦怦跳。接着就躺平了。糟心事太多。最初列入美国黑名单。都是特朗普惹的祸。然后美股ADR退市。虽然交易量不大,好歹算个参考。和美国国防部官司未了,又被富时罗素全球指数剔除。祸不单行。中间也有过暴力拉升,当时媒体猜测要造车。立马涨,迅速跌。百亿回购。可惜抵不过林斌卖卖卖。年度财报,很多指标超预期。股价巍然不动也罢,扭头向下怎么回事?一怒之下,官宣造车了。居然没涨!只能说市值管理实在太差。和中源家居相比,望尘莫及。幸好,美国官司和解了。转身重回全球指数。​法院解除对小米“中国军方公司”认定。美国投资者可以任性买买买。开涨了。跃身而起,摸高28港币。全球500强企业里,股价最低是小米。不服来比。最低曾经8块多,发行价腰斩。回头看,满地烟蒂无人拾。股价从来相对而言。几百块的茅台,到底贵不贵?时不我待。28港币的小米,是不是很香?综上,几乎所有利空出尽,小米该爆发了。如果季度财报不利,定要抓住机会狠买它100股。原文首发公众号:无量国$小米集团-W(01810)$ $富时中国H50指数主连 2105(FCHmain)$ $中源家居(603709)$ 