Online Chinese Platforms
$Huya Inc.(HUYA)$$Bilibili Inc.(BILI)$$KUAISHOU-W(01024)$bytedance $TENCENT(00700)$$DouYu(DOYU)$Popular streaming platforms have once again caught the attention of media in China, this time from state media. The criticism of star making and celebrity influencers who can draw large fan and followers base continued. In the short term, this will not stop as events continue to spill over from recent scandals from popular A list star in China. China remains focused on enhancing its China core and this will not go away. Indeed share price for these popular platforms have gone down significantly and even with upcoming results, will this lead to a revival of stock price? Until confidence is rebuilt or when price is so distorted from fundamental value, that value investors start coming in, there remains a price risk and timing of long entry would remain tough. With my view that short term support is near for Chinese stocks (but if broken strongly, will easily go down another 6 percent), is there really a rush? This depends on one portfolio allocation decision as well as the risk reward preference. Recently, I had been slowly building my position in Huya but it unfortunately was in the limelight wrongly for being (I) game streaming platform and (ii) it's failed merger with douyu as a result of antitrust measures. Price risk pertains on the downside and with my decent position size built, my other capital would be allocated into other stock positions if a price correction happens in the coming 1 to 2 months. But this statement does not mean I am expecting a correction. In fact, I don't know! As part of my portfolio management, I have always kept cash on the sideline as my portfolio management and never go 100 percent equity. Remember one should also set aside rainy days funds since we never know what will happen. 天有不测风云。。 As always, this should be not be construed as any investment or trading advice.
