18 Sep 2021: Quick Review of one of my watchlists. Beyond meat, Upwork, Robinhood??
I did a weekly review of Chinese broad market on my youtube channel and if you are keen, do use the following link https://youtu.be/_ljbUMlxl2U for the video.
Below is one of my watchlists, which I have. For avoidance of doubt, stocks in this watchlist are not of any indications that they are of quality for investments. If you take a quick look of the watchlist, you would note that the number of companies that were UP yesterday, are higher than the number of companies that were DOWN yesterday.
Surprisingly, this is not the storyline of yesterday when we saw that broad markets like Dow, Nasdaq 100 and S&P500 are down. Well then is it a case that these counters that I am following are normally of smaller capitalisation sizes? Yes to a certain extent, I have been monitoring smaller capitalisation stocks as these counters may offer greater upside in the long run. Naturally with the potential of higher upside, there is usually a higher volatility level attached to such stocks. For investors of lower risk appetite, these stocks are usually not suitable given that they may not have the emotional discipline to remain unemotional when stock price goes down.
Sea, Amazon, Dingdong, Ebay, etc are close to 0.5% to 1% down yesterday whereas company like Tiger Broker is down around 0.2%. Surprisingly for Tiger Brokers, its listed competitors like Robinhood and Futu are up almost 1%. I will run an analysis of these companies in a separate youtube video in the future.
I have also covered Upwork in one of my articles in the past and compared this to Fiverr, its competitor though I have mentioned that Fiverr is a company that I will choose in the event that price comes back down. I am still waiting on the sideline for Fiverr though the price has indeed came down from around 250 USD to around 200 USD. In fact, from their recent price peak, Upwork had come down more than Fiverr on a relative terms, which may explain why it has a stronger price performance last night. Are there more risks being taken for the smaller to mid cap stocks in US? Even Virgin Galatic is up by close to 8% last night!!!
Companies like Huya, Skillz, Peloton, Missfresh, Draftsking were not performing that well though slightly positive yesterday. This seems to indicate that companies that are in industries that arent exactly that attractive now may find difficulty to "jump" up aggressively even in the event of stronger attraction to smaller to mid cap stocks. Nevertheless, this does not mean they may not catch up later though the so called more attractive sectors like "alternative meat" like Beyond Meat, videoconferencing like Zoom, space travel like Virgin Galatic, streaming TV like Fubo, etc are bounced up faster. Fubo though now is at crossroad at current price level and may have to cross the 28 to 30 USD hurdle in order to attempt at least the early year high seen around 62 USD. However, current indications do not point to aggressive jump in smaller to midcap stocks though there might be a possibility if the US equities markets do not crash.
Coinbase is also at its crossroad now and is struggling at its current price at slightly below 250 USD, which is its IPO price this year. With this, it might have to see more push if cryptocurrencies volume can spike up. Recent concerns over regulations of crypto space may weigh on this counter. Risk sentiment and any excitement may be good for coinbase though this month wise, the outlook is likely still err on the side of caution given the market participants perception of the September month performance.
In summary, do watch out for my youtube channel if you like more stock analysis and market review. Current indications do show signs that there may be a return of interests back to the small to midcap should the US broad markets not correct or crash. Now is a point where it is not exactly clear how markets may move this month but should markets hold, there is a chance for a return of interests to the small to midcap stocks that can give better returns compared to bigger cap stocks. However, as always, with greater returns, there is also a possibility of greater potential losses. Do watch out for the risks!
As always, the above should not be construed as any investment or trading advice.
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