I've been trading (mainly long investments ... no options, just buy and hold) since 2000. I'm telling you longs, hold on. I know this stock action is $^%%@ for WISH, but it will get better. This is a legit company. This is a legit business model for the digital age. This is a legit investment. Don't listen to all the trash talkers and fake bulls (who claim to be bulls but are disillusioned and think it's over). It may take a some more time, but this thing will take off. The impatient are the ones that will lose money here. I am down a bit, but I'm not out, because I'm not selling. Good luck and God Bless to the gritty Longs here who believe in WISH.
- 哎呀呀小伙子·2021-09-11这股我观察了很久,不说基本面(因为我不懂),但就技术面来说,这股目前缺乏主力,没有带头大哥的股票短线很难起来,所以短线肯定是没有什么希望的。1举报
- 揭人不揭短·2021-09-11看过很多声称价值投资的人,你这才是正真的价值投资。1举报
- 老夫追涨杀跌·2021-09-11看来你对这股票有执念了,炒股有执念不是好现象呀。1举报
- 宝宝金水_·2021-09-11这个股一直是美国散户联盟的热门股,但是不知道为什么一直没硬起来。1举报
- 小时候可帅了00·2021-09-11Good luck and God Bless to the gritty Longs here who believe in WISH.2举报