$HRNETGROUP LIMITED(CHZ.SI)$ is the largest Asia based recruitment agency ex Japan. It was founded in 1992, IPO 2017 and today has over 900 consultants across 13 Asian cities. It has 2 main segments which is Professional Recruitment and Flexible Staffing. Revenue for the 1st half 2021 rose 30.8% which sets a record high from 2020. It is asset light and an excellent management team. It is a great stock to hold for the impending recovery in labour markets.
- 老夫追涨杀跌·2021-09-11总市值 7.93亿 流通市值 1.71亿 总股本 10.04亿 流通股本 2.16亿 52周最高 0.8300 52周最低 0.4189 市盈率 12.82 市净率 2.27 股息 0.03 股息收益率 3.16% ROA 7.80% ROE 19.12% 每股收益 0.06,棒棒的经营数据,怪不得走势这美好。6举报
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- 哎呀呀小伙子·2021-09-11还没有看这个股,看你的收益图来得。2举报
- CKF68·2021-09-24Can still enter?3举报
- Kentlieu·2021-09-14When it comes to trading, the decision of when to buy a stock can sometimes be easier than knowing when is the appropriate time to sell a stock.1举报
- 小时候可帅了00·2021-09-11这个公司听起来好陌生呀,在中国好像木有看见他的身影啊。2举报
- 还本付息·2021-09-20不要持有,兄弟们轻资产不值钱2举报
- Bonds·2021-09-18LImited edition2举报
- JQJQJQ·2021-09-11awesome piece of work! many thanks for the sharing of the insights🍑❤💜💚💛💙💰💸🚀1举报
- XD绿意盎然·2021-09-11你拿了多久,这都快一半的收益了,太牛了吧羡慕了1举报
- 维克多1·2021-09-11他的股价好低啊,如果再掉一些那不就直接停牌了吗1举报
- 咪咕蜡·2021-09-11还是个跨国的公司吗?我去了解一下,你这收益可以1举报
- 宝宝金水_·2021-09-11真真正正的趋势好股呀,我还有点仓位下个交易日帮你拉拉股价.2举报
- 揭人不揭短·2021-09-11好股,真会选股,已经收藏了,给你竖起大拇指。1举报
- Ahi·2021-10-06Thanks for the info 👍 👌1举报
- Olegarki·2021-09-21Like Back pleaSe1举报
- bobotrader·2021-09-21cool!!! latest!!!2举报
- hd87·2021-09-17Thanks for sharing :)1举报
- benlowkk·2021-09-17Potential counter1举报
- ETF88·2021-09-17thanks for sharing the good article2举报