HFs are ?$&@&d. This is their last attempt to drive GME and AMC down as millions of shares are now being Direct Registered which takes away HFs ability to manipulate our shares. Writing is on the wall. Hold tight friends, dont forget to buy the dips..💎💎💎🚀🚀🚀🚀

What Are They Hiding? Institutions Are Trading A Ton Of AMC Entertainment Stock On The Dark Pool

AMC continue falling, it tumbled 6% in morning trading.$AMC Entertainment$ Holdings Inc shares are trading lower Monday amid overall market weakness as stocks across sectors fall on COVID-19 pandemic concerns and issues in $China$.$Investors$ might be interested in the fact that about 60% of the volume for the last 30 days has been traded by institutions over the dark pool, compared to 40% on lit markets, and with only 8% of that 40% being traded on the NYSE. According to Finviz.com, the percent
What Are They Hiding? Institutions Are Trading A Ton Of AMC Entertainment Stock On The Dark Pool




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