$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$We all know about the bullish pennant forming right now for AMC that we will see new all time highs if we breakout. But I just wanna take this moment to talk about our movement which I feel so strongly connected to! 

We Apes are a strong breed of resilient and caring bunch of people that will stand up against all the fraud and manipulation in the market. It’s not only just the life changing money that MOASS will bring, but it’s also the injustice we see so blatantly happening in the stock market that we are still here with AMC holding strong! There are so many pump and dumps but nothing is like the unity of APES HODL for AMC! It is beautiful! I will hold on until I see AMC cross $100 and share the joy here again with all apes and we will watch AMC grow like Tesla! It’s not because of fundamentals, but it’s because we make Hedgies COVER THEIR SHORT POSITIONS! AMC Always Mooning Company 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀

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