31 Oct 2021: Basics to Portfolio Management (Episode 1)

$老虎证券(TIGR)$ $富途控股(FUTU)$

Be it investing or trading, portfolio management in the form of position sizing is key. For people who are new to investing or trading, it is important to note that besides focusing on return, you must also focus on risk in the form of downside risk. I have always maintained the view that I could always be wrong which means that portfolio management in the form of position sizing is all the more important. There has been one particular tiger broker user who has been targetting me and mentioning my username. Do note that while I do like Tiger Brokers' long term prospect, I do recognise the current regulatory headwinds. That is why I always maintain the safety net, which is the Southeast Asia business valuation. I also ask people to think through what is the value you think you ascribe to the SEA valuation so that there could be a margin of safety. For avoidance of doubt, Tiger Brokers is my investment and not trade. My investment strategy is very different compared to trades

For people who always sees my posts, I have always maintained that even for high conviction stocks, I do not go all in. This is why I have prepared a video on the very basic portfolio management thought process framework just for you to think through. The full videos are on my youtube channel:

This was amongst the earliest videos that I posted on youtube so I havent spent much time to record this video back then. Another factor that you have to think through is the correlaton of your stock position. How is stock A of your holding correlated to stock B of your holding? All these have to be taken into account.

You can find the financial education playlist on my youtube channel if you are keen:


I havent spent much time to develop more videos as there isnt much interest on this so far.

As always, this should not be construed as any investment or trading advice.

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