Great ariticle, would you like to share it?

$PROPNEX LIMITED(OYY.SI)$ Despite the volatility in the market the last few days, Propnex is holding its own and did not dip too much! It is the largest Real Estate agency in Singapore and is achieving high growth due to a hot property market here! It is a great stock to own as it is asset light and enjoys economies of scale. I look forward to holding this stock long term as I believe in land scarce Singapore, property prices will continue its upward trend and Propnex is right in the heart of this boom!
$PROPNEX LIMITED(OYY.SI)$ Despite the volatility in the market the last few days, Propnex is holding its own and did not dip too much! It is the largest Real Estate agency in Singapore and is achieving high growth due to a hot property market here! It is a great stock to own as it is asset light and enjoys economies of scale. I look forward to holding this stock long term as I believe in land scarce Singapore, property prices will continue its upward trend and Propnex is right in the heart of this boom!




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