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Apple: Bernstein Forecasts Google Will Pay $15 Billion in FY2021 For Being Default Search Engine on iOS, Up From $10 Billion in 2020, Seen as Creating Higher Risk for Shares

Bernstein senior analyst Tony Sacconaghi projects Google will have to pay almost $15 billion to Apple for being the default search engine on iOS, much higher than what it used to pay previously.Renowned analyst forecasts 2020 payments at about $10 billion, higher than the previous estimate of $8 billion. This figure comes from the analysis of the recent documents released from Apple, as well as a bottom-up analysis of Google's TAC .The 2021 forecast of $15 billion is “amazing” as it contribute
Apple: Bernstein Forecasts Google Will Pay $15 Billion in FY2021 For Being Default Search Engine on iOS, Up From $10 Billion in 2020, Seen as Creating Higher Risk for Shares




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