Kamala Harris concedes White House ‘didn’t see’ Delta and Omicron coming. Vice-president’s candid admission on Covid variants came in wide-ranging interview with the Los Angeles Times. Kamala Harris has conceded that the Biden administration was blind to the emergence of the Delta and Omicron variants of Covid-19, and said she fears “misinformation” over vaccines will prolong the pandemic well into a third year.The candid admission came in a wide-ranging interview with the Los Angeles Times, which followed reports that the vice-president was “struggling” to make a mark as Joe Biden’s No 2 and was keen for a more prominent role.

U.S. Stock Bulls Believe in Year-End 'Santa Claus Rally'

Wall Street hopes that the stock market will deliver a late gift to investors amid a volatile Decemb
U.S. Stock Bulls Believe in Year-End 'Santa Claus Rally'




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  • qingg123
    The global economy needs recovery. In my opinion, the rise of U.S. stocks for many years in a row means that a deep adjustment may occur at any time. The impact of the epidemic on the US stock market has been very weak.
  • cutieee
    I think what will affect the US stock market is the next move of the Federal Reserve, not the COVID-19 epidemic.
  • ladyman
    The impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on the global economy will not last long. Don't worry too much about this.