Cool measure knee jerk reaction. Opportunity to buy Propnex?

$PROPNEX LIMITED(OYY.SI)$A knee jerk reaction is a buying opportunity.

The Government on Wednesday (Dec 15) announced a package of measures to cool the private residential and HDB resale markets.

The measures include raising Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty (ABSD) rates, tightening the Total Debt Servicing Ratio (TDSR) threshold and lowering the Loan-to-Value (LTV) limit for loans from the Housing and Development Board (HDB), said the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of National Development and the Monetary Authority of Singapore in a joint press release.

The private residential and HDB resale markets have been buoyant, despite the economic impact of COVID-19.

Private housing prices have risen by about 9 per cent since the first quarter of 2020.

HDB resale flat values have also risen by about 15 per cent since the same time, reversing a six-year decline, the authorities said

 Borrowers would also be vulnerable to a possible rise in interest rates in the coming years

The measures to cool the private and public housing markets are meant to "promote continued housing affordability". 

The agencies said that the measures for private residential are calibrated to dampen broad-based demand, especially from those purchasing property for investment rather than owner occupation.

The measures to tighten financing conditions for both public and private housing "will encourage greater financial prudence".

The Government also will increase public and private housing supply to cater to demand. 

Singapore announces new property cooling measures: Higher ABSD rates, tighter loan limits.

The current ABSD rates for Singapore citizens and permanent residents purchasing their first residential property will remain unchanged at 0 per cent and 5 per cent respectively. 

For these two groups, purchasing a second or a third and subsequent residential property will incur increased ABSD rates.

Singapore citizens will now pay an ABSD rate of 17 per cent for their second residential property, and 25 per cent for their third and subsequent residential property. This is up from the previous rate of 12 per cent and 15 per cent respectively.

The ABSD rates for permanent residents buying a second or a third and subsequent residential property has been increased to 25 per cent and 30 per cent respectively, up from 15 per cent.

Foreigners and entities will also incur more ABSD when purchasing any residential property.

Well, this is not the first time cooling measure is apply, and will not be last. Its a good measure for long term to prevent bubble. But each time there is a knee jerk reaction. So i still believe property price will gradually rise.

As to the impact to Propnex, think again. They rely on volume of transaction, not pricing of property. Plus the amount of commission is can be adjusted by % point.@Tiger Stars

I would say this is a short term buying opportunity for all those who want good dividend.

dividend record

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  • BlancheElsie
    Obviously, we haven't reached the bottom now. be patient
  • Tracccy
    🤣 Refuse bubbles. The risk of bubbles is too great.