
🔥Tiger Brokers Christmas Party is online!🔥🚀

🔥🔥🔥Play games to divide up a 1-million-dollar bonus and win surprise holiday rewards! 🔥🔥🔥 On the 16th of December, the 1st round of the map opens. Roll the dice and take your mini tiger to explore the map.You may obtain a USD10 stock voucher, 10 commission-free trades, or 4000 tiger coins! Click Here Watch video to know more details Instructions for the Campaign: The whole Campaign is divided into three segments, so you will have multiple chances to win prizes! Roll the dice; Discount Stocks Mall; Share Million Dollar Bonus. 🔥Roll the Dice to Win Surprise Rewards🔥 During the campaign, A brand new local map will open every Thursday, let’s go visit some fun cities like Singapore, Sydney, and Auckland Opening time of the 1st round: 16th December 2021-22nd December 2021 (UTC+8) Opening time of the 2nd round: 23rd December 2021-29th December 2021 (UTC+8) Opening time of the 3rd round: 30th December 2021-5th January 2022 (UTC+8) Click the dice to roll it, and your digital Tiger will move 1-6 steps forward. If your Tiger reaches a square with a reward icon, then you will receive a random reward. Each user must have 3 energy units in the game before they get to roll the dice. Rolling the dice costs 1 energy each time. If you don’t have sufficient energy to roll the dice, you can obtain more energy by completing more tasks. In any round of the campaign, when you reach the final square, you can obtain a chance to purchase discount stocks. Once you go around the map three times, you will be qualified to participate in dividing up the 1-million-dollar bonus! 🔥Discount Stock Mall🔥 when you reach the final square, you will obtain a chance to purchase a discounted stock, including Apple,Uber, and Tencent at up to 50% off! Opening time of the 1st round of the Discount Stock Mall: 22nd December 2021 19:00:00-23:59:59 (UTC+8) Opening time of the 2nd round of the Discount Stock Mall: 29th December 2021 19:00:00-23:59:59 (UTC+8) Opening time of the 3rd round of the Discount Stock Mall: 5th January 2022 19:00:00-23:59:59 (UTC+8) When the Discount Stock Mall is open, the price discounts of the stocks displayed will fluctuate. You can only redeem the discount stock coupon within the opening times of the Discount Stock Mall. If you didn’t redeem anything within validity of the redemption period, Tiger Brokers won't compensate you for missing the reward. 🔥Share Million Dollar Bonus🔥 Else, you may get a chance to share a million dollar bonus:6th January 19:00 2022-7th January 2022 (UTC+8) If you go around the map three times, you can obtain the qualification of dividing up 1-million-dollar bonus.The bonus will be distributed in the form of stock vouchers. The value of bonus individual participants actually receive will be determined by how many users participate. You can check your bonus from [Tiger Trade App>Me>]. 🔥🔥🔥Come on and Join the Tiger Brokers Christmas Party!🔥🔥🔥 Click Here!
🔥Tiger Brokers Christmas Party is online!🔥🚀




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