Complete List of ProShares Exchange Traded Funds

ProShares is an ETF provider known for its leveraged and inverse ETFs. Part of the Pro Fund Group, this ETF provider has quite a few index funds targeting the Dow, the Nasdaq, and the Russell indexes. It also has ETFs focusing on foreign indexes like the MSCI. ProShares offers currency and commodity ETFs, too.

This list of ProShares ETFs is organized alphabetically. The name of each fund should give you a strong idea of its underlying benchmark and its investing goal.

DIG - Ultra Oil & Gas ETF

ROM - Ultra Technology ETF

RINF - Inflation Expectations ETF

SBM - Short Basic Materials ETF

SEF - Short Financials ETF

SMDV - Russell 2000 Dividend Growers ETF

UGE - Ultra Consumer Goods ETF

UGL - Ultra Gold ETF

UJB - Ultra High Yield ETF

UYG - Ultra Financials ETF

UYM - Ultra Basic Materials ETF

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