Nature Medicine候选封面图片征集

香港大学Kathy Leung梁老师此前估算北京疫情Rt的文章将发表在3月份《Nature Medicine》。Nature: 北京疫情传播系数估算-部分参考本公号投票情况

期刊通知在作者中征选封面设计图案,跟文章有关的就行。梁老师考虑这篇文章的数据主要来自网友们的调查,想看看大家有没有兴趣参与,突出crowdsourcing的作用。有兴趣的话,欢迎投稿至梁老师邮箱。梁老师会挑选一份作品作为候选封面提交,不管最终杂志是否选中,梁老师有大约1000人民币的预算答谢候选作品作者。Nature Medicine候选封面图片要求:Covers should be both aesthetically appealingand scientifically relevant, and should be supplied at the best quality available. Due to the prominence of these images, we do not generally select images featuring faces children, text, graphs, schematic,  drawings, or collages on our covers.We accept TIFF JPEG, PNG or PSD file formats(a layered PSD file would be ideal), and the image should be at least 350ppi resolution(preferably 600-1200 ppi), in CMYK colourmode. Please do not include the Nature Medicine logo, this will be added by our art editor.




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