
How to Trade OTC Counter on Tiger?

Unlike Moomoo, $Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$allow the OTC trading for stocks in OTCQX, OTCQB and Pink. We just need to do a one time approval to start trading. 1. Go to any OTC stocks. Example: $PEAK POSITIONNG TECHS(PKKFF)$ 2. Click on Trade. 3. Request for Trading OTC. You will see a screen similar to above. OTC counter are high risks high rewards counter and therefore not suitable for everyone. When get it right, you can easily see 2-10x return for OTC counter. Especially when it get listed to NASDAQ. Note: Most OTC stocks don’t get listed to NASDAQ. Some choose other exchange. Never risk more than you can lose completely on an OTC counter. I don’t trade OTC counter often and when I do, I go in at less than 1/10 of my usual position. The only counter I am holding now is $PEAK POSITIONNG TECHS(PKKFF)$. PS: Not a financial advice. Don’t bindly follow a greenhorse 🐎. Please do your own DD.
How to Trade OTC Counter on Tiger?




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