

只是对英文进行翻译,并非自撰。各位也不可当真,姑妄听之看之即可。 长赐轮船长的声明 2021年3月23日该轮在苏伊士运河航行(南行)期间发生了以下事件: 该轮在运河进入前4点24分接上了第一名引航员,并于5点30分进入苏伊士运河(塞得港侧)。 在下船之前,引航员要烟,但船长礼貌地拒绝了,声明船上按照租船人的规定实施零腐败政策。引航员随后下了船。 第一次更换引水(在运河入口)从5时26分到5时34分。 第二名引航员上船,一直引航到伊斯马利亚。 该引航员在操纵过程中似乎有点焦虑,有几次试图要求舵手驾驶航向比要求高0.2度。船长一直都在场,舵手从来没有执行过错误的舵命令,船舶转向也没有任何问题。 在离船之前,引航员要烟,但船长礼貌地拒绝了,声明船上按照租船人的规定实施零腐败政策。 第二次更换引水在伊斯马利亚,从10点05分换到10点13分。 第三名引航员(哈立德·穆罕默德·侯赛因·哈桑内船长-身份证号码No.1721201)登船后,与即将离船的引航员用当地语言说了几句话。这一般是苏伊士运河引水的惯例。 他拒绝同船长礼貌快乐的寒暄,在第二名引航员下船后,他立即说: “船长,请自己带着船穿过运河。我在这里只是为了按照苏伊士运河的规则为你提供帮助和建议。 当被问及他所说的是什么意思,以及他是否会下达舵令和航向时,他说船长对操船完全负责并通过运河。引航员的工作只是根据需要进行观察和提供建议。 请注意,当这种交谈发生的时候,这艘船仍在运河中航行. 在通过运河的弯道转向时,船长下达舵命令。 在接下来的15-20分钟内,在操纵船舶穿过运河时,船长以礼貌地、严厉地和外交辞令的方式要求引航员合作,但引航员一直说船长应该负责操纵这艘船。此外,他还说,上一名引航员说船舶的操舵装置有问题,因此他只是观察。 船长向他保证,船舶的操舵装置没有问题,引航员在船上的20分钟的时间内应该能观察到了;但是引航员拒绝合作。 当时,作为船长,重点是船舶的安全和航行安全(没有引航员的任何帮助),同时确保驾驶团队不会分心,因此不能与引航员进行任何详细的争论。 在运河中(伊斯马利亚附近)航行了大约20分钟后,运河那段航道复杂,需要不断的转向,引航员没有下达任何操舵命令,并试图骚扰船长。引航员被告知,这件事船长将会报告给伊斯马利亚港的控制中心。 当船长一拿起VHF,在Ch8上呼叫伊斯马利亚港调时,引航员就提高音量,开始大喊大叫,从船长手中夺走VHF(并推了船长),威胁说,如果有人报告这样做,“这对船不好”。 引航员在提高的音量的同时,要求前后准备,并将两个锚放至水面,因为他要坚持停船,并因为操舵装置问题扣留船舶。并说,该船将驶向大苦湖,并扣在那里,直到进行海上试航。 船首人员到位后,双锚并没有降至水面,因为当时的船速有9节。 随后发生了什么,大家都知道了。 船舶搁浅,贸易交通大动脉堵塞,在全球范围内掀起轩然大波。 不知真假,只转发,不评论。 Statement of Ever Given Master: Please note the below incident which occurred during vessel’s Suez Canal Transit (Southbound) on 11 Mar’21. Vessel picked up the first Pilot at 0424hrs before Canal entry and entered the Suez Canal (Port Said side) at 0530hrs. Before disembarking, the pilot requested for Ciggarettes which was politely declined by master stating the zero corruption policy implemented on board as per charterers. The pilot disembarked thereafter. First Pilot change (at Canal Entry) was from 0526hrs to 0534hrs. The 2nd pilot (Capt. Khaled) who barded the vessel was on board till Ismalia. The pilot was seeming a bit anxious during manoeuvring and on a few occasions tried to call out the helmsman for steering courses 0.2 degrees more than required. Master was present at all times and at no point did the helmsman execute a wrong helm order nor was any issue with vessel’s steering noted. Before disembarking the pilot requested for Ciggarettes which was politely declined by master stating the zero corruption policy implemented on board as per charterers. Second Pilot change at Ismalia from 1005hrs to 1013hrs. The 3rd pilot (Capt. Khalied Mohammed Hussain Hassane – ID No.1721201) after boarding the vessel exchanged a few words with the pilot who was disembarking (in their local language) as is the general practice in Suez. He refused to exchange pleasentaries with the Master and immediately after the 2nd pilot disembarked he said - Quote- “Captain, please take the ship and navigate through the canal. I am only here to assist and advise you as per Suez Canal rules.” -Unquote When questioned regarding what he meant by the same and if he will be giving helm orders and courses to steer, he said that master was fully responsible for the same and navigating through the canal. The pilots job was only to observe and advise as required. Please note that while this exchange was happening, the vessel was still underway in the convoy, passing bends and turns in the canal for which the helm orders were being given by Master. In the next 15-20 mins whilst manoeuvring through the canal, the pilot was politely, sternly and diplomatically requested to co-operate however he kept saying that the Master is supposed to handle the vessel. Additionally he said that the last pilot has handed over to him regarding issue with vessel’s steering, hence he will only observe. He was assured by Master that their was no issue with the vessel’s steering, something he could have observed in the 20 mins he had been on board; however he refused to co-operate. At that moment my focus as master was the safety of the vessel and the safe navigation (without any assistance from the pilot), alongwith ensuring the Bridge Team does not get distracted and therefore could not indulge in any detailed argument with the pilot. After about 20 mins of navigating through the canal (Near Ismalia) in an area where there were continous alterations and no steady course, with the pilot not giving any helm orders, and trying to harass the Master & vessel, the pilot was told that the matter will be reported to Ismalia Port Control. As soon as the master picked up the VHF and called Ismalia Port Control on Ch8, the pilot raised his volume high, started shouting, snatched the VHF from the master’s hand (which also resulted in advertently pushing the Master) and threatened that if same was reported “It will not be good for the vessel”. At that very moment, in his raised volume he called for fwd and aft stations and for both anchors to be lowered to water level, as he insisted on stopping the vessel and arresting vessel for faulty steering. He said vessel will be held at Bitter lake until sea trials were carried out. Fwd station was immediately manned however anchors were not lowered as ship was doing 9 knots speed. #suezcanalpilots #idiots 转自:大家关心的那些事




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