如何理解赫兹减少电动车队特别是特斯拉的的决策? How to understand Hertz's decision to shrink its electric vehicle fleet, especially Tesla?


In a recent announcement, Hertz, the rental car giant, revealed its plans to sell approximately 20,000 electric vehicles (EVs) from its fleet. This move sent shockwaves through the automotive industry, particularly because a significant portion of Hertz's EVs are Tesla models. The decision to downsize its electric fleet is driven by several factors that have impacted the financial viability of these EVs.

赫兹决策的主要原因之一是这些EVs的二手售价急剧下跌,尤其是在特斯拉在2023年大幅降价后。这些降价使二手特斯拉汽车的售价几乎减半,促使赫兹以低至约20,000美元的价格出售一些特斯拉Model 3,几乎是原购买价格的一半。这种折旧严重影响了赫兹的盈利能力,并成为他们选择减少EV车队的关键因素之一。

One of the primary reasons behind Hertz's decision is the sharp drop in the resale value of these EVs, especially following Tesla's substantial price cuts in 2023. These price reductions nearly halved the resale value of used Tesla cars, compelling Hertz to sell some Tesla Model 3s for as low as about $20,000, which is nearly half the original purchase price. This depreciation significantly affected Hertz's profitability and was a key driver behind their choice to reduce their EV fleet.


Another significant factor contributing to this decision was the higher repair costs and increased collision rates associated with EVs. Hertz found that their EVs, especially Tesla models, were more frequently involved in accidents and incurred higher repair costs. This was partly due to the limited parts and repair network for Tesla vehicles compared to other brands like GM, which have a more extensive support infrastructure.


The higher repair costs for electric vehicles (EVs) can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, EVs often use more advanced and specialized technology than traditional internal combustion engine vehicles. This includes components like the battery pack, electric motors, and the sophisticated software and electronics that manage these systems. The specialized nature of these parts can make them more expensive to replace or repair. Secondly, for certain brands like Tesla, there may be a more limited network of repair shops that are certified or equipped to handle these specific vehicles. This limitation can lead to higher repair costs due to less competition and the need for specialized training and equipment. Thirdly, one of the most expensive components of an EV is the battery pack. If a battery is damaged or degrades significantly over time, replacing it can be a substantial expense. The cost of batteries, although decreasing over time, still represents a significant part of the total repair cost in case of damage. Fourthly, the increased collision rates experienced by Hertz with their EVs, especially Tesla models, contributed to higher repair costs. This could be due to various factors, including renters being unfamiliar with the driving characteristics of EVs. Higher collision rates naturally lead to higher repair costs. Fifthly, in the specific case of Hertz and Tesla, it was mentioned that Tesla’s reluctance to offer volume discounts on replacement parts for rental car companies like Hertz contributed to higher repair costs. Rental companies usually negotiate discounts for bulk purchases with manufacturers, but if such discounts are not available, the cost of repairs can be significantly higher. Lastly, EVs can have complex electronic systems and software that require specialized diagnostic tools and expertise to troubleshoot and repair. This complexity can increase the time and labor costs associated with repairs.


Additionally, there was an element of realigning with consumer demand. Hertz moved many of its rideshare EVs into the regular rental business, which led to an oversupply in that segment. This move was not necessarily in response to consumer demand but rather an attempt to avoid unanticipated costs in another part of the business.


Hertz's decision to downsize its EV fleet is a strategic shift to manage costs and does not indicate a complete withdrawal from the EV market. The company is still committed to its overall EV strategy, but it will likely consider factors like parts and labor costs more carefully in future acquisitions, possibly favoring EVs from different manufacturers.


In conclusion, Hertz's decision to shrink its electric fleet was driven by a combination of depreciating resale values, especially following Tesla's price cuts, higher repair and maintenance costs, and the need to realign with market demand and manage unanticipated expenses. This strategic move highlights the challenges associated with the electric vehicle adoption, particularly in terms of cost management and maintenance. As the EV industry continues to evolve, lessons learned from this experience will help guide future decisions and improve the overall viability of electric fleets.




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