$LongFin Corp(LFIN)$ New York, April 24, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Longfin Corp. ("Longfin" or the "Company") announced today that on April 23, 2018, Judge Denise L. Cote vacated the Temporary Restraining Order Freezing Assets and Granting Other Relief, which was entered on April 4, with respect to LongFin Corp. and Venkat Meenavalli. The Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") requested that the Court vacate the order with respect to LongFin and Mr. Meenavalli, which was consistent with the SEC's position before the Court on Friday, April 20, 2018. https://www.nasdaq.com/press-release/court-vacates-tro-asset-freeze-with-respect-to-longfin-corp-and-venkat-meenavalli-20180424-00674
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