
    • Kathy819719Kathy819719

      12 September 2021: Tuya, Global IOT platform... Attention in the wrong way?

      Follow Hopehope赋予希望 on youtube if you would like to be updated on various stock analysis.https://youtu.be/YWZVfvlWr0w (Tiger Brokers' 2Q2021 results review and share price analysis)$涂鸦智能(TUYA)$ I have been tracking Tuya, another chinese stock for awhile for now but have not investigated the business fundamentals and financials. Being another tech company from China, my current equity exposure in Chinese equities is pretty decent size of my portfolio, which explains why I have not done a further research on Tuya. A company that has its initial public offering back in March 2021 at an IPO price of 21 USD, it seems to me that there is certain amount of price movement details for me to think through in the days to come.What comes to
      12 September 2021: Tuya, Global IOT platform... Attention in the wrong way?
