NikkoAM-StraitsTrading MSCI China Electric Vehicles and Future Mobility ETF
Exchange traded funds (ETFs) allow investors to easily gain portfolio exposure to specific sectors, industries, or countries due to its trading flexibility as well as its low operating expenses. China electric vehicles and future mobility (EVFM) are one of the hottest topics in the current investment world. How are investors able to gain exposure in this space without having the need to buy into all the individual counters? Tiger Brokers (Singapore) will be participating in the upcoming Initial Offering Period (IOP) of NikkoAM-StraitsTrading MSCI China Electric Vehicles and Future Mobility ETF. This ETF tracks the MSCI China All Shares IMI Future Mobility Top 50 Index. Clients will be able to apply via the Tiger Trade App during the subscription period from 3 January 2022, 10am to 12 Janua