$恒生指数(HSI)$ ,涨0.22%;恒生中国国企指数 $国企指数(HSCEI)$ ,涨0.35%。中国12月PPI创下两年多来最低增幅,通缩忧虑重燃,沪指震荡收跌,券商、电力股弱,港股则小幅收高,录得5连升。HSI , up 0.22%; HSCEI, up 0.35%. Although the trade war between US and China seems to be easing, with few details after 3 days of mid-level talks, other than the promise of more discussion, equity. Investors are taking a pause. $中国生物制药(01177)$ ,涨11.61%。公司附属公司江苏正大丰海制药有限公司研发的抗菌药“利奈挫胺葡萄糖注射液”已获得中国国家药品监督管理局颁发的药品注册批件。该药全面覆盖革兰氏阳性球菌,与其他抗菌药几乎无交叉耐药,生物利用率高、肺组织浓度高、安全性高、低血浆蛋白结合率。该药品疗效确切,临床需求量大,市场前景广阔。1177, Sino Biopharmaceutical, up 11.61%. The company announced that “Yi Rui Da”, a linezolid and glucose injection of its subsidiary Jiangsu Chia Tai Fenghai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., has obtained approval for drug registration by the National Medical Products Administration of the People’s Republic o
$恒生指数(HSI)$ ,涨2.27%。恒生中国企业指数 $国企指数(HSCEI)$ ,涨2.22%。近期市场出现了中国央行可能考虑购买股票或者ETF的传闻。恒指首富2万6000点;科技汽车家电股涨;等候中美磋商声明HSI, up 2.27%. HSCEI, up 2.22%. Hong Kong, China stocks get boost from trade talks, Beijing signals on consumption stimulus. 175, $吉利汽车(00175)$ ,涨8.41%。发改委年内将制定出台促进汽车、家电等热点产品消费措施,券商看法正面,瑞信相信消息会全面刺激中资汽车股市场情绪,因其重申国统局原先指引(对新能源汽车作购置税减免、现金资助、兴建新能源车充车配套措施、相关停车场等),料农村汽车及新能源汽车可望受惠;花旗指政策可助汽车业去库存,料汽车股可迎来重估催化剂。175, Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd, up 8.41%. China is preparing to revive automobile demand this year after the trade war with the US and a weakening economy likely led to the first annual slide in vehicle sales in at least 2 decades. 2238,$广汽集团(02238)$ ,涨6.94%。同上2238, Guangzhou Automobile Group up 6.94%. As above.2333, $长城汽车(02333)$ ,涨9.28%。汽车板块全线走强。1月8日晚间发改委释放有关汽车消费促进政策。2333, Great Wal
$恒生指数(HSI)$ ,涨2.24%。恒生中国企业指数 $国企指数(HSCEI)$ ,涨1.97%。今日的上涨得益于油价回升,券商金融股回升。此前中国国务院总理**考察商业银行,并强调运用好全面降准、定向降准工具支持民企融资。分析称,“国家队”或进场买入金融股,提振大盘反弹,而宏观经济承压料限制反弹空间。HSI, up 2.24%. HSCEI, up 1.97%. Chinese stocks climbed, as financial companies jumped amid bets for additional government support. Confirmation that the US and China will hold face-to-face talks next week added to the more upbeat tone, as did a pledge by Premier Li Keqiang to provide more support to the economy. After the nation’s markets closed, China’s central bank announced it will cut the amount of cash lenders must hold as reserves by 1 percentage point. $中信证券(06030)$ ,涨 6.14%; $海通证券(06837)$ ,涨5.28%; $华泰证券(06886)$ ,涨3.9%; $广发证券(01776)$ ,涨4.45%; $中金公司(03908)$ ,涨4.27%;$中国银河(06881)$ ,涨5.75%。此前中国国务院总理**考察商业银行,并强调运用好全面降准、定向降准工具支持民企融资。分析称
恒生指数, 跌0.35%。恒生中国企业指数, 跌0.15%。香港恒生指数收盘下跌0.35%。苹果概念股集体重挫,舜宇光学跌近7%,瑞声跌超5%。医药股延续跌势。吉利汽车跌超8%领跌蓝筹。HSI, down 0.35%. HSCEI, down 0.15%. Most Asian market extended the previous day’s sharp losses with technology firms tumbling after Apple slashes its revenue forecasts blaming slowing china sales.175,吉利汽车,跌8.17%。摩根斯坦利发表报告称,下调吉利汽车投资评级,由“与大市同步”降至“减持”。将目标价由15港元降至8元。新目标价相当于预测2019年市盈率5.2倍,指吉利自去年12月以来股价已累跌16%(恒指同期跌5%),但目前估值仍在同业中最高。175, Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd, down 8.17%. Morgan Stanley slashes Geely price target by 47% and cuts to underweight from equal weight, as inventory of its Boyle and Lynn Brand’s has risen wile weak Chinese PMI suggests sales at domestic Brands. Target reduced from HK$15 to HK$8 as Geely still has the highest 2019 estimated P/E among peers even after declines since early De
恒生指数,跌2.77%。恒生中国企业指数,跌2.87%。财新中国12月份制造业采购经理指数为49.7,自2017年5月以来首次跌破50,分析师预估50.2. 中港台股市开年首个交易日齐跌。HSI, down 2.77%. HSCEI, down 2.87%. Hong Kong shares plunged on the first trading day of the year, extending 2018’s tumble. The pessimistic opening follows the Hang Seng Index’s worst showing since 2011 last year, with stocks hostage to everything from the US-China trade dispute, a global sell-off and interest rate hikes. 2007,碧桂园,跌6.09%。内房股齐跌。内房股领跌,市场觉得调控还是要继续,新一年开始一些基金重新配置时地产公司可能遇到比较大的抛压。然而,摩根斯坦利认为中国地产股2019年有望跑赢恒指,称内房政策将会放松,估值接近低谷。同时,花旗也在2019年看到了乐观理由。2007, Country Garden Holdings, down 6.09%. Property stocks were among the biggest decliners in Hong Kong. Some funds are readjusting their positions for the new year and maybe dumping stocks in sectors with an uncertain outlook like property and hea
恒生指数,涨1.34%,恒生中国企业指数,涨1.33%。中美谈判积极前景提振港股。香港恒生指数2018年跌幅达13.61%,于1月29日创年内最高位33,484.07点,10月30日创年内最低位24,540.63点。今日内房股集体大涨,据悉,北京市近日有7个共有产权房地块入市。业内人士认为,集体土地的入市,一方面控制了开发成本,另一方面也为房地产企业创造了加速扩张的机会。HSI, up 1.34%, HSCEI, up 1.33%. HK stocks closed sharply higher today, the last trading day of 2018. Hostage to everything from the US-China trade dispute, a global tech sell-off and interest rate hikes, this has been one of the toughest years for Hong Kong stocks. HSI ended the year down 14%, the worst since 2011. 700,$腾讯控股(00700)$ ,涨1.29%, 5日涨4.12%。瑞信报告称,内地当局在2019年前夕宣布恢复内地网游首批版号许可,在时点上会为市场带来惊喜,相信市场将聚焦未来的游戏审批以进一步理解未来行业趋势,重申腾讯及网易为内地网游行业首选股。700, Tencent, up 1.29%, 5 days up 4.12%. Jefferies says, China is likely to step up its monthly game approvals after Lunar New Year, with industry forerunners Tencent an
恒生指数, 涨0.1%。恒生中国企业指数涨0.01%。友邦保险对指数贡献最大,上涨0.7%。石药集团涨幅最大,上涨4.7%。50只股票中26只上涨,19只下跌。互联互通北向24.7亿元净流入中国A股。人民币上涨。HSI, up 0.1%. HSCEI, up 0.01%. AIA Group Ltd contributed the most to the index gain, increasing 0.7%. CSPC Pharmaceutical Group Ltd had the largest increase, rising 4.7%. 26 of 50 shares rose, while 19 fell. Stock Connect Northbound Inflow $360.5m to China. Yuan advances. $中国石油化工股份(00386)$ ,跌5.09%。中金公司在28日的报告中写道,估计造成此次非寻常交易损失的原因,可能是由于联合石化看多原油进行的交易,在买入看涨期权的同时,还卖出了看跌期权。大部分的超额损失可能是由于卖出看跌期权导致的。中金预计中石化股价短期内可能继续承压,主要是因为市场可能会担心中石化风险控制管理的暴露,原油交易带来的潜在的额外损失以及最终可能导致分红不及预期的影响。386, China Petroleum & Chemical, down 5.09%. In its statement, the company acknowledged that there had been losses, and said it was evaluating the details. The unusual trading losses, if any, could have been closed by Uni
恒生指数,跌0.67%。恒生中国企业指数,跌0.71%。美股大涨未能抵消中华市场的负面消息情绪。中石化跳水,工业经济数据萎靡,等负面因素。或造成今日的由涨转跌。HSI, down 0.67%. HSCEI, down 0.71%. The biggest rally in US equities since 2009 failed to support sentiment following a two-day holiday. Economic data released today morning showed profits at Chinese industrial companies fell for the first time in 3 years. 883, $中国海洋石油(00883)$ ,涨0.51%。857, $中国石油股份(00857)$ ,跌0.21%。386, $中国石油化工股份(00386)$ ,跌4.68% 。隔夜美布油均收涨。上交所原油期货主力合约开盘涨近8%。港股市场石油概念股早盘普涨。然而,中石化确认联合石化总理和党委书记被停职促成了中石化的股价跳水。知情人士透露,公司过去一年的交易损失是导致二人被停职的原因。883, CNOOC, up 0.51%. 857, PetroChina Co, down 0.21%. 386, China Petroleum & Chemical, down 4.68%. China oil giants erase morning advance as Sinopec tumbles. Sinopec has suspended 2 top officials at its United subsidiary after the energy-trading unit suffered loss