响应@小虎活动 号召,五一坐车路上看完这部纪录片。第二次看,其实也是新片子。比起第一次看的鸡冻,第二次更冷静。摘录十句原话,附上我的“评论”,分享下观看体验: 方法论部分: 如何成为巴菲特,更多在问,如何取得巴菲特那样的收益率。看纪录片,要的就是现身说法,我关注到4点: 1 阅读 And I still probably spend five or six hours a day reading. If I get interested in a new subject, I want to read about it, I want to talk about it, and I want to meet people that are involved in it. -- Warren Buffett 这两句话非常关键,对于指导行为非常有意义。不做研究和广泛阅读思考的差别在于,信念差。表现在,短线和长线。 2 耐心 The biggest thing in making money is time. You don't have to be particularly smart, you just have to be patient.-- Warren Buffett 这句听来有些鸡汤,然而我知道很重要。翻译下我认为就是出手少,就是芒格说的关注伟大的机会。不过在量化交易机器面前都显得太古典了。。 3 专注 One word that would best describe what had helped me the most is “focus”.-- Warren Buffett 帮助最大的一个词什么?专注。这倒是想起乔帮主对