Trump stocks fell sharply in premarket trading,Phunware slid nearly 10%,Creatd and DWAC slid over 6%.Donald Trump has dropped from the Forbes 400 list of the richest Americans for the first time in 25 years, according to the Forbes list. Although Trump's current value of $2.5 billion is still worthy of being called "super rich", he is still $400 million short of the Forbes 400 Rich List in the past.
Last week,Trump announced plans to set up his new social platform "TRUTH Social" and go public through SPAC company DWAC. While Phunware's software previously provided mobile applications for Trump campaign team.And recently,Creatd announced a new non-fungible token art drop through its OG Gallery unit consisting of three photographs of Trump. The NFT includes three candid images of a young Donald Trump, captured as he signs the breast of a model.