My 2nd biggest stock holding and not selling for 10 years no matter what. This is run by aggressive management looking for works domination in e commetce, finyrch and gaming . They arenoe branching out and taking over in s America, Europe. I like their shopee adverts on Asia very catchy even if corny. Look out amazon and square.   $Sea Ltd(SE)$  
Let's do some simple math: 62.5M shares of this company, 70% of which are held by institutions and locked up for 3 years. 17.5M shares are short. That leaves 1.125M shares freely traded every day. See where I am going with this? Shorts all the tradeable shares. This can launch with a Reddit push just saying. GL guys. Rafi gonna start drinking now. $Altimeter Growth Corp.(AGC)$
If you believe in BTC and you can see what Riot has done so far in the infrastructure and plans for the future then you should not to worry...just HODL your positions and increase them in the dips....If you do not see this then you may need to look for other stocks..stop panicking and just be will come back soon.                  $Riot Blockchain, Inc.(RIOT)$
Part of the reason I buy on Amazon is the rewards I get with my Amazon VISA Card. I've gotten several nice items for free that way. I can only see this hurting both but perhaps Amazon a little more. Buying from Amazon is more about convenience than anything else. Take that away and I see that hurting Amazon more than Visa. And the majority of folks don't trust crypto-currency, at least at present. Paypal isn't for most older folks as well. They are still a large part of the consumer market.So Amazon goes with MasterCard. Who wants to go thru the hassle of getting another credit card? Doing so just hurts your credit score.These two giants will come to a deal. Amazon is bigger but I think Visa has a good deal of leverage as well.This issue will pass. $Visa(V)
I'm selling every other stock and mutual fund I have and Buying MRK.I will be ALL in on Monday $Merck(MRK)$
buying 500-1000 shares from here to 130. I honestly think $450 is possible H2 2022  $Upstart Holdings, Inc.(UPST)$
How does an individual decide that it is a smart investment to buy a stock with the ONLY merit that there ‘might’ be a squeeze?? Can’t all companies squeeze? Aren’t squeezes very-difficult to trigger? Since the last two have answers that are a hearty YES, then why not buy a successful company AND continue to hope that they squeeze??  $GameStop(GME)$
I’m shorting the stock and will not close my position until the $80s. Why the $80 if everyone else shorting the stock believes it can go lower? For two reasons, one when shorting I strongly believe in not been too greedy or trying to go “with the flow”. Two, I believe it will go even lower, but I rather secured profits at that point. The price will continue to go lower, specially after a few more market corrections and once a few negative news come out of the company and outside the company which are always almost a given. Negative press and negative news together with massive losses, a lot more competition and so on and on will bring the stock price to about $45-55. At that point and time I will open a long position. Yes it will take time, perhaps a year to get to that price, but that my
Working for software company with Webex, Teams, Slack and Zoom. Most of my co-workers and customers love zoom as it is so easy to use, perform so well. This company has great sale, finance and product so there is no doubt.The only question is what price did you buy it? 4xx or 5xx?I just start to buy at this discount price for 19x. I use Zoom before its IPO and know this company well. If it went down, that is great. I can buy more with discount. I suggest others do not miss this.I dare people sell more so others can take advantage at 50%-70% discount.All in zoom now. $Zoom(ZM)$
stock repurchase always reflects extreme faith of company in it's higher than existing valuation. 8 before year end. $UWM Holdings Corporation(UWMC)$
Understanding the facts. GME exploded from $12 in December to $483 in January for precisely two reasons: 1) the famous 150% shorts 2) the genius move by WSB investors that “banded together as one”to buy, maybe 10 million shares ($120 million purchased).Now short interest is a meager 16% AND the stock is at a staggering $160.To apply similar pressure to a 16% short position as when it was at 150%, the shares purchased would need to increase by about 3X. The January squeeze was perfectly executed by coordinating about $120 million. Given the math above, to repeat that epic squeeze would require $4.8 BILLION. GME is done! Headed for its destiny of $20    $GameStop(GME)$
After a 60% stock crash, I'll roll the dice on a great company.                            $Chewy, Inc.(CHWY)$
Even Bezos said this company could go bankrupt, this is now become a Gaint, which occupied huge market and owned thousands billion dollar cash flow,. all of this... drive it to a bigger future... I started invest into it when I 25, and I'm 35 right now. I always load when it hit some good entries, I believe AMAZON and Mr Bezons. $$
Hmm I did a rough calculation.Relative to Uber’s market cap, if we were to base valuation based on 2021 Q3 revenues - I would put Grab at roughly 2.7B market cap, almost a 3x from where it currently sits,  this is a good company with remarkable perspective. So I won't let it pass by. buy it and believe it $Altimeter Growth Corp.(AGC)$
CSCO is a great buy and hold opportunity with tons of cash ready to be deployed towards the next growth strategy. BUY             $Cisco(CSCO)$
If you haven't noticed many price predicting pumpers have left this board, it's just a month and a half before the first of the year and then you take into account holidays and you have a month until those that predicted a $35.00 PPS will have been sorely mistaken.Whatever.Another alias and, voila, a new existence, if life were only that simple. $Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$
King Microsoft! It has been great stock since Bill Gates left. Moving to the Cloud and focus on services and not hardware was just game changer. This is the sure stock to own whatever the market does... Even better than Google who can be subject to all kind of lawsuits and restrictions by countries...  $Microsoft(MSFT)$
Everything is going down after earrings if the earnings are not blockbuster not sure what is significant for sofi this quarter ..I am not short just being cautious as it has good run, hopeful it will go up after earnings, last qtr it dropped about $2.00. it should push up to 22 or 23 before earnings                     $SoFi Technologies Inc.(SOFI)$
Reminder. Earnings at Nov 4 is right at the corner. A mere 2 weeks from now. We'll be waiting for Bancel to update us on the granular details of everything, starting from 2022 covid vaccine outlook, safety profile, production capacity, and probably also progress of other candidates in their broad pipeline. GL all. Stick on it!!!  $Moderna, Inc.(MRNA)$
bitcoin is worthless yet JMP has an ETF for cryptocurrency set up !!! kinda like Elon said TSLA stock is way too expensive and you should sell !! and yet the stock split 1 for 4 and now even higher than after the stock split. What those guys say is their opinion for certain stock and especially for bitcoin. You will regret if you miss it, youhave my word.  $Coinbase Global, Inc.(COIN)$
