$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$ sentiment of stock is that long term will be green. 99% of investors know that. It is the time and opportunity loss. If you can find another sure win company go ahead cut it and let short buy your low price so they profit and cover their position.This is how all Hegdefund sux our money. I die also won't let my money sux by them. Retail short can ride with them. But if no one cut and sell and the float shares depleted which pushes the price to rocket they will be squeezed and have to PAY OUR ASKING PRICE! The Squeeze is hard cos there are whale day traders, institutions and fund managers. But if we tally together like AMC and GME, we can moon! Together we hodl and squeeze them!
$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$i sold my xpeng at green 41 to buy tiger and now it is at 52. Did I regret? Yes cos time opportunity cost but will I think of selling tiger at a loss? NO WAY. I buy with confidence and hodl with conviction. All my investments are profitable companies. [惊讶] [胜利] [举爪]
$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$DD is done. I hodl till it shoot up. What can I lose? Only time opportunity loss. I haven't seen any fundamental company become delist or worth $0 and the most is I lose my cash but still own the company shares which I believed in. You think a profitable company with high margin can go bankrupt? Very unlikely.Tiger got Singapore license and they are moving beyond china and to ASEAN countries and getting global. Short losses can be sky high and unlimited. Better still they got interest to pay and the uncertainty to get margin call anytime. Sometime it is not their call to close the position.You never know when which whale will come and buy million of share to manipulate the market up. Long worst is become
$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$back to -68888. soon it will be +68888 and beyond. I decided to hodl till end of 2022. Latest to 2023 March. Let's talk again then.