
GME and AMC a simple view.

Im sorry if my writing does not read well when translated but here goes. I am not an investment adviser i am simply a dumb apes with a crazy idea of how thing could realistically unfold after 2 months of due diligence, hanging from my tree and eating lots of bananas. Fellow apes will understand.I believe that the two most volitile and guaranteed stocks that will out perform all other stocks over  next 6 months will be GME and AMC primarily due to the simplist of reasons, massive shareholder support made up of retail investors who simply love these two companies because of who they are and what they do .The shear magnitude of this retail shareholder base ranges from 9 million to potentially over 20 million shareholders. Do the numbers yourself if you doubt
GME and AMC a simple view.

Are Hedge Funds running scared

Hi friends,News on the street is that the long awaited 005 SEC rule change is now confirmed and comingbinto force. Summary is that this is yet another rule chsnge being urgently brought into place to counter naked shorting snd FTD ( fail to deliver) and in essence its the grasping of the death knell for certain hedgefunds who have excessivily and illegally shorted GME and AMC. TIK TOK TIK TOK.More likely thatvthe selling off across the board that we are seeing this week is HF attempting to avoid liquidation by accessing funds via sell downs.HF owned news broadcasters are tryingbto shift the focus as fast as they can by issuing FUD opinions on gme and amc andctrying desperately to raise issues such as fed bondand inflation pressures etc. All ofvwhichnis simply an attempted smoke screen to s
Are Hedge Funds running scared

Gme next few weeks

Hi my friends ,Most important is that no trading on US markets on monday as they are closed.General consensus re GME is that the next few day leading up to the Annual general meeting on the 9th will likely be volitile and perhaps enable some dip buying around the 215mark.. maybe. There is considerable and i believe well founded, beleifs that Ryan Cohen, chairman, will announce some pretty spectacular news at the AGM which may well becthe ‘trigger’ some of us await. Be prepared. I believe that the next few days could be thelast opportunity to purchase GME share in the low $200’s. I think that even the most sceptical investors should by now be realising that GME and AMC and a handful of other stocks are about to change our world. Thevonce laughed at wSB crowd are steadily prov
Gme next few weeks

Pressure building

Pressure is building on US regulators as DRS Trimbath further explains naked selling and FTD on Utube with wsb poster ‘atobitt’.Naked shorting is an illegal practice in the US however until the magnitude of the problem was highlighted by Reddits community WSB, regulators have largely ignored the problem. Not for much longer as over 250,000 retail ‘ape’ investors up the anti.It is likely that Hedge Funds who participate in this illegal practice will scramble to cover their positions in a multiple of shorted stocks , pushing those stocks to extremely high levels as they attempt to avoid prosection andor bankruptcy. In some cases due to the magnitude of their naked shorting, some HFs will be unable to source sufficient shares and will effectively be ‘hung out to dry’.Its a
Pressure building
Clearly my money is on 9M apes who now own sufficient shares in GME to ensure we will have the last say in this stock and who do you trust? a wall st broker or the founder of chewy.......my monies on Cohen.✊🏿✊🏿💎💎

Interesting day

The experts failed to predict AMCs stellar performance and the doom and gloom re GME was short lived as everyone realised that an xtra 3.5m shares in the scope of things amounted to zero. I guess those who react tomedia releases sold prematurely. Hopefully no APEs. Upside for GME will be spectacular as Cohen releases his new board strategically over the next few weeks. I feel these two stocks are nearing ‘stand-by’ to 💥🚀🚀We may also be starting to an inability for these two shares to be manipulated by misleading news and attepted sell offs by hedge funds. Yes we will likely see more sell offs and Yes the share prices will spike up and down irrationally, maybe quite substantially HOWEVER recovery will be swifter each time and new highs will be acheived. All you need
Interesting day
$Phunware, Inc.(PHUN)$lol be fun to see what really happens during normal trading hours today. 
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$Be very prepared for a pump and dump friends. Dont panic, ignore the FUD news that will flood this site. Just sit back, smile and say to yourselves.. I expected exactly this to happen and I lnow that 9 M investors worldwide arent wrong.These stocks will rocket back to higher and higher prices.HOLD, BUY, VOTE. 🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🌞🌞💎💎✊🏿

GME and AMC.

I guess we all took a step backwards today however within minutes literally millions of retail investors/apes took stock. GME out performed Wall Sts analysts across the board. We learnt that votes received on the official paperwork are not the same as votes counted snd in fact they are zero related. We learnt that apes own almost the entirety of AMC and likewise most likely GME... (almost definitely), that a large number of borrowed shares are now being called back because the risks of default by shorters of these two companies becomes too high. TIK TOK , TIK TOKAnd the best till last, there may be an almost last time final sale tomorrow/ poss Friday so stock up..literally in every sense of the words ‘STOCK UP’....this may very well be the last days that we see AMC belo
GME and AMC.
$MicroStrategy(MSTR)$Woops. Now I have to wait forcthe next manipulated rise. Im patient though.... very patient. Im not going to ever give a cent to a Hedge Fund ever again .As once said... not until hell freezes over.... thats a long long long way away. 🤝🤝🤝💎💎✊🏿
DO NOT TOUCH ROBBINGHOOD. If you trade with them..get out. They have just been fined around $75M for manipulating their clints ability to trade. They are dishonest and CAN NOT BE TRUSTED. No respectful trader should touch them and especially not Apes. This company due to their error and then a total lack of personal support, was complicit in the recent suicide of a young trader. 🤝🤝🤝💎💎💎
Soo it might go up to 137 but if hes wrong itcould go back down. Yep i reckon it will go sideways with a small chance of rising, a bigger chance of falling if it rises but ultimatelytrading sideways.....Please if anyone knows of a job going titled ‘guessing Apple’ let me know. In my humble opinion Dodge has better odds with a higher return and thats ignoring the teo main rocket ships. GME and AMCif you wish for spectacular growth. 🤝🤝🤝💎💎💎✊🏿
Please TIGER, if you sre reading this, pleasecsn you just remove articles from Fool.Com they are becoming the laughing stock of news platforms because of their false news snd outright lies. You are more professional than than that Tiger. I feel that most of this community will agree. REMOVE FOOL.COM. 💎💎💎✊🏿
It aint jumped anything yet friends... just wait and see.....Lots, lots more to come.....simply buckle up and enjoy the roller coaster to high returns you never thought possible. 💎💎💎✊🏿
Friends they have been tellingbyou to buy Apple for quite a few weeks now snd really allits done is drop or at best trade horizontal. This stock could just as easily fall as rise and my thoughts are still a fall.....🤝🤝🤝🌞


Hi friends, thisvis just in case you havent havent had time to do your DD reading after yesterdays amazing day. General thought are still that AMC has a lot more to go. It is felt that if pre markets are up for AMC then AMC will have another stellar day. I think forcthis move, most clever apes are saying $100 for starter. BIG money is still with the sleepinggiant GME. All expectations are $300 then $350, then $500, then through to $800 by mid june and after that MOASS. Once past $1000 the moon is literally the limit. Most other meme stocks like BB, Mvis and afew others are being taken along as well..viavarious mixed funds and likely that naked short selling is being reduced, thus allowing natural upwards growth to occur. Whatever thereasons, its not likely to stop in the short te
Got $500? Buy 1xGME and 10x AMC these two will out perform all other stocks over thenext few months if not for all time💎💎💎💎✊🏿
