Acc Networth: $1,400,018
$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$Too many newbies underestimated FED tapering and raising interest rates in 2022. As a former fund manager, basic investment strategy is always looking at the country's govt policy that affects the overall market and strategise and rebalance portfolio accordingly. Remember market moves in cycles. FED tapering in 2022 and raising of interest rates will mark a new cycle. A bear market cycle for at least 2-4 years. 2022-2023 is definitely bear market. End of 2023 will be a good time to invest big again to catch the best price
$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$=) Follow smart money = win. Smart money are leaving Tesla. Institutions & hedgefunds are unloading their Tesla shares at the highs while dumb dumb retail investors catch their bags and got burnt. This is why my Tesla short is an easy play. Follow smart money. They are exiting tesla in droves as seen on my bloomberg terminal.
$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$Told ya. I am rarely wrong in my analysis. Tesla will go to $400 levels in 2022 due to FED tapering and raising interest rates. With Rivian and Lucid coming in to take away Tesla market share in 2022, Tesla nolonger have a smooth year like 2021.
$BlackBerry(BB)$2022-2024 Blackberry will make investors regret for not buying under $9.Free money and easiest investment ever in my14 year investing journey. I earn my first million with AMD and Bank of America. BB will make me earn my 2nd million. =)
$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$Congrats to those who listen to my warning 3 weeks ago. I said it before and will say it again. Tesla is $400-500 stock in 2022 due to FED tapering and raising of interest rates. Institutions and smart money are unloading Tesla at the highs while only dummies retail investors catching their bags. =)
$TENCENT(00700)$腾讯打促销活动。如果现在不买或加仓,等到年底腾讯回到$700。你们就后悔了。我腾讯直接是大量抄底买入了。十年一次的机会能见到这样的便宜. 年底你们就知道这里我就是神话。
$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$The real fall haven started. When Fed taper and raise interest rates in 2022, thats where the real fall is. Tesla $400-500 shareprice. All good news about Tesla is already priced in at $500. So dont be silly and buy at such prices. Honestly anyone who buy above $800 is in for a big loss in 2022.
$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$Honestly, you have to be a retard to buy Tesla after Elon Musk, his family, Cathie Wood and all the big institutions sold at the highs. My short Tesla call is an mvpplay to show how dumb retail sheeps are thinking that stocks only go up and up. 2022 is a fatal year for Tesla longs. With Fed Tapering and raising of Interest Rates, Tesla will be $400. You may never see it go above $1000 again in this decade or even your life time. 
$BlackBerry(BB)$Blackberry CEO Papa Chen increase his BB total shares by 42%.
$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$Dumb dumb Tesla retail investors got played by Elon Musk and Cathie Woods. When CEO is selling big along with other smart money like big institutions and Cathie Wood, its already a big red flag. You cantbe that retard to need Elon Musk to tell you directly "Sell with me now". He being a nice CEO by using twitter poll to indicate indirectly that he is selling already as Tesla is gonna be in bear marker. As the CEO, he cant spoon feed you directly and warn you faster sell.
$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$I warned a week ago that Tesla gonna drop to $400-500 due to FED tapering and raising of interest rates in 2022. My Tesla shorts is a simple trade. As long as you think like the smart money and institutions.Smart money all leaving Tesla at all time highswhile dumb money retail bagholders buy and catch their bags. Really stupid
$BlackBerry(BB)$Congrats to those who followed. $36 in 2022. Confirmed.
$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$My mvp short Tesla play because smart money are unloading Tesla and only dumb money retail investors catching their bags. Too many newbies here underestimated FED tapering and raising interest rates in 2022. Treat it as a lesson fee and cut loss now. Tesla is going to $400-500 in 2022. Its a slow and painful bleeding journey for those who dumb enough to buy Tesla above $900.
$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ I have been in the markets since 07, FED tapering and raising of interest rates in 2022 will cause TSLA to drop 40%. It will begin its bleed to $500-600 in 2022 and may never ever go above $1000 ever again.
$BlackBerry(BB)$Goldman Sachs increased their BB shares yesterday by 328%. holy cow!!
$PING AN(02318)$ If dont buy now, you gonna be buying at $60-70 while all of us buy at $55. =) Ping An and China State banks buy and hold = sure win. Collect $ every year.
$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$what? Did those newbie traders who said Tesla going up during premarket today? Please.. smart money are all unloading Tesla in droves at the highs. Only dumb dumb retail investors catching the bags at the highs. Institutions and hedgefunds are selling and not buying. You guys underestimated FED tapering and raisinginterest rates in 2022. Tesla is in a bear market as it is overvalued. All good things have already priced in even when the shareprice is at $600. For those who followed my warning 3 weeks ago, congrats to you. You beat most of the newbies investors here. 
$BlackBerry(BB)$Told you BB is a $100 stocksoon. If you do your DD, bb is like AMD in 2017, right before their Multi Year Mega Bull Run.
